Animal Farm- The Pigs


Character profiles for Napoleon and Snowball.
Mind Map by lianastyles17, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lianastyles17 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Animal Farm- The Pigs
  1. Character profile- Napoleon
    1. The villain of the book. Doesn't have many redeeming qualities in comparison to Snowball- his opposition.
      1. Napoleon doesn't appear to fight in the battle of the cowshed- chap 4. He seems to disappear- showing him to be a coward. Again, this contrasts with Snowball, who fights bravely and strategically- also results in the victory.
        1. Napoleon doesn't say much in the meetings held in the barn. But still has a reputation of getting what he wants- how he wants. This suggests he doesn't truly care about the animals future OR Animalism. At this point Orwell seems to be hinting to us the ambitious selfish nature he beholds (foreshadowing his drift from the principles once his power grows).
          1. Napoleon is...
            1. Cunning: "That, he said, was Comrade Napoleon's cunning"
              1. Uses cunning and brutality to get his own way.
                1. Is completely threatened by Snowball; who is a clever, well-spoken, military hero and charismatic leader.
                  1. Due to his jealousy, Napoleon belittles and undermines Snowball by teaching the sheep (brain-washing) them into interrupting his speeches at crucial points, purely because he knows he has no chance of winning over the animals and gaining power if Snowball is on the scene.
                    1. After his exile, Napoleon uses Snowball as a scapegoat. This results in the animals turning against him. This ensures no one will fight for Snowball to return and get rid of Napoleon as leader.
                  2. He promotes fear e.g dogs and patriotic feeling to get his own way/disguise from what is really happening.
                    1. Uses terror to control the farm and the thoughts of the animals. The animals are forced to make false confessions at the show trials in chap 7- then are executed by the dogs. Makes everyone aware of his power- prevents anyone turning against him as they know the consequences.
                      1. 'Show trials' mimic the purge Stalin ordered against people he believed were involved in a conspiracy against him with Trotsky (Snowball) 1930s.
                2. Ruthless: "a pile of corpses lying before Napoleon's feet" following the show trials- chap 7.
                  1. Napoleon doesn't care about the welfare of the animals. He uses them for his own benefit: to work, to help the farm prosper through making them make sacrafices (the hens eggs- goes against OM's teachings), Boxer's death- for whiskey.
                    1. Napoleons ruthless attitude and drive to get his own way refers to the tyrant Stalin whom too soon drifted from original principles to his own form of rules.
                      1. He adopts the puppies, but only to train them to become his 'army'. Forces the other animals to work 60-hour weeks, whilst he does nothing to contribute. He, along with the other pigs steals the milk and apples- placing ownership on both items for his own good.
                        1. Just as bad as Jones? OR worse?
                          1. His transition from pig to human is complete by the end of the novel. He stands on two legs, drinks whisky (links back to Jones' constant drunk state) and wears clothes. Weren't all animals suppose to go naked?
                            1. By the end, the original Seven Commandments of Animalism were completely forgotten. The animals are starving and overworked, but in a much worse position than they were under farmer Jones. Refers to the cyclical structure of the novel- ended up right where they began.
                              1. Animalism failed because one tyrant leader (Jones) was replaced by another, Napoleon. Allegory for how the all-powerful Tsar was replaced by Stalin and his dictatorship.
                        2. Corrupt: "There was only candidate, Napoleon" in reference to who would be the president of 'Animal Farm'.
                          1. Napoleon uses the animals lack of intelligence to alter the commandments of Animalism as and when he pleases. He takes advantage of their inferior education and uses it to benefit his and the pigs increasingly human like behaviour. That being drinking alcohol, engaging in trade, sleeping in the beds, killing other animals, wearing clothes, having friendships with humans.
                            1. Distorts the BOTC to make himself appear as a hero and Snowball as a traitor who was infact working alongside the humans all along.
                            2. Gets rid of sunday meetings and effectively freedom of speech- with this he also gets rid of the animals challenging his new rules. Language is power and he prevents the animals from having the little power they previously did. The special comitee of pigs decide the debates. He suppresses criticism.
                              1. The animals have their doubts about Napoleon- but they don't act on their suspicions. They have been brainwashed by manipulation and propaganda (Squealer) that "Napoleon is always right"- a maxim Boxer adopts in chap 5.
                                1. Stalin used propaganda in the same way to glorify him as a kind, caring leader- when in reality he was the opposite.
                            3. Selfish (consistently places himself before the other animals): "Reputation for getting his own way"
                              1. Sees himself as better than the other animals in many ways- seems to believe he doesn't have to work like the rest because of this superiority.
                                1. Changes the principles of Animalism for his own benefit- "No animal shall drink alcohol to access"- Shows that he quickly forgets any ideals of Animalism that he may have believed in.
                                  1. Criticises Snowball towards his plans for the windmill- abolishes him from the farm due to this- then proceeds to build the windmill himself. He takes full credit for someone elses work/ideas.
                              2. Napoleon soon becomes a paranoid, brutal tyrant who's revelling in the power he has- gradually descreasing as time passes. (Demise fully starts chap 5- abolishment of Snowball)
                              3. Character Profile- Snowball
                                1. Smart, idealistic character who wants Animalism to succeed and believes in equality of all animals. Opposite of Napoleon.
                                  1. Brave and strong military leader- has good strategies and plans which work and result in victory, e.g. BOTC. Alike to Trotsky who also was a clever, quick-thinker in battles.
                                    1. He doesn't falter even when injured, continues to lead charge and fight for the farm- contrasts extremely with Napoleon who isn't present. Willing to die for Animalism, he states all animals should be prepared to do this- increasing control.
                                      1. For his bravery is recognised as a hero; awarded 'Animal Hero, First Class' along with Boxer. This creates a new divide and splits the animals even further. But also encourages the rest of animals to be like him.
                                      2. He is intelligent but not very cunning. He is lively and a quick thinker, but doesn't have the 'same depth of character' as Napoleon.
                                        1. Snowball is...
                                          1. Intelligent: "full of plans for innovations and improvements" to make the animals lives better.
                                            1. Brave: "He himself dashed straight for Jones"
                                              1. Eloquent: "won over the majority by his brilliant speeches"
                                                1. Idealistic: "Snowball conjured up pictures of fantastic machines"
                                                  1. Desperate for Animalism to succeed:
                                                    1. Wants Major's utopian vision to become a reality.
                                                      1. Writes the Seven Commandments on the barn wall (prominent place) for all animals to see. But most of the animals are illiterate.
                                                        1. Draws up plans for the windmill- an idea created in mind to lessen the animals hardship- give them a "3 day week".
                                                          1. His plans would require the animals to work but would be beneficial for them in the long-run. Completely different to Napoleon who made them work for him and his benefit aka whiskey.
                                                          2. After the rebellion Snowball and Napoleon become leaders of Animal Farm- but Napoleon doesn't want to share the power.
                                                            1. Snowball is undermined by the cunning Napoleon...
                                                              1. They cant agree- S wants to encourage ALL animals on ALL farms to rebel so they don't have to worry about defending themselves from human force.
                                                                1. N wants to build up power and security on Animal Farm.
                                                                2. Snowball is an excellent speaker but Napoleon is better at "canvassing support for himself" outside the debates. We do not know the way he gains votes but we can assume it was a. form of manipulation b. promoting fear etc.
                                                                  1. Napoleon is utterly threatened by Snowballs heroism, intelligence and influence over the farm, so like the pig he is; begins to bully him...
                                                                    1. Trains the sheep to interrupt his speeches as vital parts.
                                                                      1. When Snowball draws up the windmill plans, Napoleon 'urinates' all over them- showing his contempt.
                                                                        1. Snowball is eventually chased off the farm by Napoleons beloved indoctrinated puppies- chap 5.
                                                                          1. Napoleon takes any chance he gets to turn the animals against Snowball.
                                                                            1. He spreads vicious lies and rumours about the threat of S to safeguard his own position.
                                                                              1. Snowball is eventually condemned as a traitor, liar and a friend of Farmer Jones.
                                                                                1. He becomes a scapegoat for all problems that occur on the farm- when the windmill blows down chap 6 during a storm, Snowball gets the blame. He becomes the "source of all evil" much to Napoleon's pleasure.
                                                                                  1. N denounces S as a dangerous outside enemy and puts himself forward as the PROTECTOR of Animal Farm- surely he is he opposite. Anyway, this helps to keep the animals believing positive things about their (cough, corrupt, cough) leader.
                                                                                    1. When Stalin came into power- he order Trotsky to be exiled. (Along with other political rivals- so there was no opposition). It almost as if Orwell is doing this on purpose...
                                                                        2. Animal equality and 'working class' animals are important to him. He explains the principles of Animalism for the others in simpler terms; so they can improve their lives on Animal Farm.
                                                                          1. He wants to educate all animals to the same level. Contrasting with Napoleons belief that the young are more hopeful than the old. Snowball wants all animals to be equally educated so no one has the upper hand. Napoleon wants to keep the animals uneducated and as a result unquestionably obedient.
                                                                            1. He has good intentions but not all animals (most) understand his complicated explanations.
                                                                              1. But he isn't all good- he is over-idealistic. He forms animal committees but generally these end in failure.
                                                                                1. He is dishonest- strives for equality and fairness among animals but doesn't appear to protest when Napoleon steals the milk and apples for the pigs.
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