

Mind Map on Networking, created by Sam Etchells on 06/09/2019.
Sam Etchells
Mind Map by Sam Etchells, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam Etchells
Created by Sam Etchells over 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Topology Types
    1. Star
      1. All the clients are connected to a hub or switch
      2. Ring
        1. A series of computers connected to each other only in a ring
        2. Mesh
          1. All the clients are connected to each other directly
            1. Path-finding
            2. Bus
              1. All clients are connected to a single wire
            3. LAN
              1. Local Area Network
                1. All the clients on the private side of a firewall
              2. WAN
                1. Wide Area Network
                  1. A series of LANs connected e.g the internet
                2. Protocols
                  1. Examples
                    1. IMAP
                      1. A newer version of POP3 that allows for the messages to be saved on the server
                      2. HTTP
                        1. Hyper text transfer protocol
                        2. HTTPS
                          1. A secure version of HTTP
                          2. FTP
                            1. A way of sending files over the internet
                            2. DNS
                              1. Domain Name System
                              2. ARP
                                1. Address resolution protocol
                                2. SMB
                                  1. Windows file share
                                  2. SMTP
                                    1. A method for sending Email
                                    2. POP3
                                      1. Sends a message from the server to the client then removes the message (from the server)
                                    3. A standardised way of communicating something between computers
                                    4. TCP/IP
                                      1. Application
                                        1. The layer that the user or programs interact with
                                        2. Transport
                                          1. Handles data consistency (error checking)
                                          2. Network
                                            1. Provides IPs
                                            2. Data Link
                                              1. Prepares the data for sending
                                              2. Physical
                                                1. The NICs
                                              3. IPs
                                                1. V4
                                                  1. Uses 4 byte (32 bit) addresses
                                                    1. Has a limited 4’294’967’296 number of addresses
                                                      1. Ranges from to
                                                      2. V6
                                                        1. 340000000000000000000000000000000000000 possible combinations
                                                        2. DNS
                                                          1. A system for storing all the domain names
                                                            1. When a domain is requested a DNS server is used to get the ip of the web server
                                                              1. If the local DNS servers cannot find the IP the DNS servers will send requests to other nearby servers
                                                                1. If they aren't found a error will be returned that the destination IP isn't reachable
                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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