Who would be the audience for our media
product and how we attracted them
Mabel is a horror thriller appealing to a
target audience of a young adult
demographic - 15-25.
Horror/thrillers appeal to both male and female audiences
and a variety of social classes conventionally through the use
of relateable characters and themes throughout the film.
A key appeal for the audience of
Thrillers is a character which the
audience can relate and build a
rapport to - in Mabel this is the female
protagonist portrayed as weak and
vunerable so that the audience gain
an attachment towards her and her
With in the thriller genre are many conventions that are also with in
horrror - both of which contain fear, suspense mystery and a gloomy
atmosphere. We made Mabel a horror thriller in order for it to appeal to
a wider audience. Mabel feautres a sense of suspense and anticipation
as the audeices awaits to watch and see how the story will unfold.
Suspense and anticipation entices and attracts an audience as they feel compelled into how the storyline will unfold
Traits of a perfect audience member:
Someone into intrigue and mystery with a
twist. The perfect audience member would
like to figure things out for themselves. A
person who likes an element of surprise.
The audience will expect a film in the thriller genre to have suspense and tension
running throughout. The Wikipedia page for the thriller genre also tells me that
the audience will want to have ‘adrenaline-rushing’ moments, have ‘high level
anticipation’ and will be expecting ‘plot twists’, ‘cliff hangers’ and ‘red herrings’ to
be used a lot throughout the film. This will add to the tension and make the film
become more developed and mind-blowing for the audience. As my title sequence
will be a psychological thriller. In Mabel the audience can expect more emotional
unstability, such as confusion as a theme. There will also be a sub genre of horror
as this ties in well with the thriller and psychological thriller genres due to the
dark themes that they all share. Horror films have very clear expectations for the
audience. These include, being scared or startled, and playing on the audience’s
‘primal fears’.