Civil engineering and environmental impact


ingenieria civil
jennifer bedoya
Mind Map by jennifer bedoya, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jairo_j3 over 8 years ago
jennifer bedoya
Copied by jennifer bedoya over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Civil engineering and environmental impact
  1. changes
    1. 1970 - World Bank starts demands
      1. 1974 - NR and MA resource code
        1. 1995 - Constitution of 1991
          1. 1993 - Law 99, I believe the Ministry of Environment.
            1. PRESENT
            2. Causes
              1. Population increase
                1. Lack of order policies. territorial with few environmental standards
                2. Negative
                  1. The road network is the most contribute to deterioration of the environment environment with deforestation
                  2. Introduction and problem
                    1. Civil engineering is the discipline of professional engineering that uses knowledge of calculation, mechanics, hydraulics and physics to load the design, construction and maintenance of the infrastructure located in the environment, roads, railways, bridges, canals.
                    2. why talk about it?
                      1. Etica Profesional
                        1. professional ethics
                          1. Put forward the interests of society in General
                          2. Civil Engineering is the discipline that is responsible for the design, direction, construction and maintenance of works and infrastructure. Taking into account the economic and political aspects of the society in which he works. Within this profession, without emabargo the environment is in decline because of this prophecy
                            1. DUVIAN ALEJANDRO GALLO VERGARA
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