Banquo Roads


Oliver's character for The One Ring RPG
Jonathan Rowe
Mind Map by Jonathan Rowe, updated more than 1 year ago
Jonathan Rowe
Created by Jonathan Rowe about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Banquo Roads
    1. Edna & her children Arlo, Woody & Hettie
      1. Their herb garden
      2. Yorick Poltrott
      3. The LOXLEYS at the Dimple
        1. Daisy-Rose
          1. Petunia
            1. Waitress
          2. The TREACLEYS
            1. Trevor & Sid
            2. The WARDENS OF BREE
              1. Dagwood Dimmock
                1. Beatrice Beldame
                  1. Twyc Greenleaf the Reeve
                    1. Cole Banner
                  2. The TUNNELLIES of Staddle
                    1. Hesther Tunnelly
                      1. Henrietta
                        1. Inigo
                          1. Caspar the Great Warden
                        2. HOBBIT FRIENDS
                          1. Viola Inkfinger
                            1. Soft Ned Inkfinger
                              1. Local journalist
                            2. Ruby Boffin
                            3. RANGERS & QUEER FOLK
                              1. Haleth of the South Downs
                                1. Tomnoddin the Spider
                                  1. Terry-Mack
                                  2. THE PRANCING PONY
                                    1. Barnabas Butterbur
                                      1. Ned the Ostler
                                        1. Noddy his lad
                                        2. Matthew Mugwort
                                          1. Another Basket of Eels
                                            1. Old Njarl the Dwarf
                                            2. The DANGERFIELDS of Archet
                                              1. Dorcas
                                                1. Florizel & Perdita
                                                  1. Feste
                                                    1. Toby
                                                      1. Falstaff the forester
                                                        1. Eels
                                                      2. Rosencrantz Dewberry
                                                        1. His restaurant
                                                        2. The SHRUBROSE SISTERS of North Fields
                                                          1. Nutmeg
                                                            1. Blossom
                                                              1. Cobweb
                                                                1. Chickens & cider
                                                                2. The CALDERS
                                                                  1. Old Dadushka
                                                                    1. Alf & Maggie
                                                                      1. Dash, Varog & Emeralda
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