US State and Federal Courts


Judicial Branch-Civics
Mind Map by gina.wierzbicki, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gina.wierzbicki over 9 years ago

Resource summary

US State and Federal Courts
  1. Municipal Courts
    1. State Superior Court (trial court)
      1. Cases involving criminal, civil, and family law
        1. State Court of Appeals
          1. State Supreme Court
            1. Reviews the decisions of the state's other courts // highest court in the state // interpret laws that are unclear
              1. Federal District Courts (trial court)
                1. Federal Court of Appeals
                  1. Federal / US Supreme Court
                    1. highest court // final say on matters of federal law that come before it // hear appeal of losing parties // has nine justices who are appointed by the president and approved by senate
                      1. Congress
                        1. power to declare punishment of treason (based on admission of guilt in open court or on the testimony of two witnesses)
                      2. 94 US judicial districts are organized into 12 regional circuits // hears appeals from the district courts located within its circuit and federal admin. agencies
                      3. hear civil and criminal cases at federal level // despuits between states, citizens of different states, and state and gov.
                    2. when th eperson that is found guilty wishes to appeal their case // review decisions of lower courts
                    3. Criminal Cases
                      1. Civil Cases
                        1. when a plaintiff claims that he or she has been injured (any harm done to a person's body, property, reputation or rights) by the actions of the defendant
                        2. defendant is accused of a serious crime (robbery, theft, drug possession, or murder) and prosecutor tries to prove that they are guilty (usually involves jury)
                      2. handle a variety of basic cases (illegal parking, shoplifting, trespassing, etc.)
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