Geologic history


Mind Map on Geologic history, created by Leah McGee on 09/10/2019.
Leah McGee
Mind Map by Leah McGee, updated more than 1 year ago
Leah McGee
Created by Leah McGee over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Geologic history
    1. Bombardment
      1. When the asteroid hit the planet and created equatos.
      2. Geological Time Scale
        1. A scale used by scientists that help record the earth's timing . And the relationships but also they are recording what happened to the earth over the years.
        2. layers of earth
          1. Layers of the Earth The layers of the earth are physically and chemically different,the earth has muptial layers like the crust ,mantle, tection plates ,outer core ,inner core.
          2. Stratigraphy
            1. he study of the rocks layers.
            2. Fossil Record
              1. The recording of fossils over time. And how they are decaying and how they fade away after time.
              2. Absolute Dating
                1. Absolute dating is a radioactive minerals in rocks and the atoms of some of the elements have different forms so it breaks down and is call radioactive decay
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