Culture in Foreign Language Learning


Mind Map on Culture in Foreign Language Learning, created by Fabiola Suárez on 11/10/2019.
Fabiola Suárez
Mind Map by Fabiola Suárez, updated more than 1 year ago
Fabiola Suárez
Created by Fabiola Suárez about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Culture in Foreign Language Learning
  1. Intercultural Competence (IC)
    1. Ability to meet
      1. Engage Successfully
        1. People
          1. Language Comprehension
            1. Language Competence
      2. Group Identity
        1. Create a framework
          1. Communication
            1. Assumptions
              1. Knowledge
                1. Linguistic Comprehension
                  1. Responsability
                    1. All educators
                      1. Intercultural Education
            2. Different
              1. Ethnic groups
                1. Work together
                2. Social groups
                3. Precondition
                  1. Good teaching
                    1. Teachers need
                      1. Intercultural Sensitivity & Competence
                        1. Focus of lessons
                  2. Pluricultural identities
                    1. Person
                      1. Identify
                        1. Different social groups
                  3. Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC)
                    1. Relationship
                      1. Language & Culture
                      2. Different Languages Involved
                        1. Need to be
                          1. Interculturally Competent
                          2. Have
                            1. Communicative Competence
                          3. Foreign Language Teachers
                            1. Expertise preparing learners
                              1. Successful communication
                                1. Interaction across
                                  1. Language & Culture
                              2. Combining the teaching
                                1. IC & Teaching Communicative Competence
                              3. Ethnocultural Empaty
                                1. Focus attention
                                  1. Relevant Teaching Techniques
                                    1. Foster the atmosphere
                                      1. Help students
                                        1. To care
                                          1. Each other
                                            1. People
                                              1. Tatget culture
                                                1. Other cultures
                                      2. Helps
                                        1. Students feel
                                          1. Another culture
                                            1. Feeling
                                        2. Techniques
                                          1. Include Stories
                                            1. Communication Practice
                                              1. Encourage
                                                1. Peer support
                                                2. Initiate discussions
                                                  1. Use literature
                                                    1. Display empathy
                                                  2. Intercultural Understanding
                                                    1. Inside & Outside
                                                      1. Classrooms
                                                        1. Strategy Instruction
                                                          1. Fostering
                                                            1. Understanding
                                                              1. Other cultures
                                                                1. Deeply
                                                              2. Positive atmosphere
                                                                1. Students
                                                                  1. Develop & use
                                                                    1. Learning strategies
                                                                      1. Intercultural Understanding
                                                        2. Teaching Techniques
                                                          1. Make & highlight connections
                                                            1. Language use
                                                              1. Cultural values
                                                              2. Respect differences
                                                                1. Languages & Culture
                                                                  1. Students
                                                                    1. Various
                                                                      1. Native languages
                                                                        1. Experiences
                                                                  2. Problem-based learning
                                                                    1. Debates
                                                                      1. Role plays
                                                                        1. Discussion groups
                                                                          1. Literature
                                                                          2. Scenario-based learning
                                                                            1. Help learners
                                                                              1. Understand
                                                                                1. Other cultures
                                                                                  1. Target cultures
                                                                              2. Provide asistance
                                                                                1. Main points
                                                                                  1. Across cultural lines
                                                                                2. Iniciate explicit discussions
                                                                                  1. Understanding
                                                                                    1. People
                                                                                      1. Another culture
                                                                                    2. Help students
                                                                                      1. Become aware
                                                                                        1. Negative situations
                                                                                          1. Bullying
                                                                                            1. Rudeness
                                                                                              1. Sarcasm
                                                                                                1. Physical Agression
                                                                                                  1. Violence
                                                                                                    1. Result
                                                                                                      1. Lack
                                                                                                        1. Intercultural Understanding
                                                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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