Forester Hemodynamic Subsets and Therapy


Mind Map on Forester Hemodynamic Subsets and Therapy, created by emette8 on 09/09/2013.
Mind Map by emette8, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by emette8 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Forester Hemodynamic Subsets and Therapy
  1. Subset I
    1. Normal
      1. Warm and Dry
        1. Optimize Oral medications
          1. PCWP 15-18 and CI >2.2
      2. Subset II
        1. Congestion
          1. Warm and Wet
            1. Pulmonary/Peripheral Congestion
              1. PCWP >18 AND CI >2.2
                1. IV diuretics
                  1. IV vasodilators
        2. Subset III
          1. Hypoperfused
            1. Cold and Dry
              1. PCWP 15-18 and CI>2.2
                1. IF PCWP <15 --IVF until 15-18
                  1. IF PCWP >/=15 & MAP <50 ---iv DOPAMINE
                    1. IF PCWP>/=15 & MAP >/=50
                      1. Compelling Reason--INOTROPE
                        1. NO Compelling reason--IV Vasodilator (arterial)
            2. Subset IV
              1. Congestion and Hypoperfusion
                1. Cold and Wet
                  1. PCWP >18 & CI <2.2
                    1. IV diuretics AND
                      1. IF MAP <50--IV Dopamine
                        1. if MAP >/=50
                          1. NO compelling reason--IV Vasodilator
                            1. Compelling Reason--Inotrope
                      2. Pulmonary/Peripheral Congestion & Hypoperfusion
                  2. CI 2.2
                    1. PCWP 18
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