- Has many levels of management.
- There is a long chain of command
running from the top of the
Narrow span of control which
means managers have a small
number of employees under
their control (close supervision)
Clear progression and
promotion ladder.
The function of each layer will
be clear and distinct. Clear lines
of responsibility and control
The freedom of
responsibility of
employees is restricted.
Decision making could be slowed
as approval may be needed from
each level.
High management costs
because managers are
generally paid more than
Flat Structure
Relatively few layers of
management. Chain of command is
shorter and span of control is wider.
Greater communication between managers and
Better team spirit as fewer management layers
increase interaction between employees at all
Less bureaucracy and easier
decision making.
Fewer layers reduces
Employees may have more than one
manager as there are a number of
managers at one level.
May hinder growth of the organisation, especially
is managers have wide span of control.
Structure limited to
small organisations
Lack of layers reduces promotion opportunities
Matrix Structure
Contains teams of people created from
various sections of the business. Each team
will have a specific purpose and be led by a
project manager. Matrix structure usually
deployed to develop products and services.
Individuals can be chosen
according to the need of the
A project manager is directly
responsible within a specific deadline
& budget.
If teams have a lot of freedom it
can be difficult to monitor.
Decision making is
taken by senior
management at the top
of the business.
The use of standardised
procedures can result in
cost savings.
Decision making can be
made for the benefit of the
whole organisation rather
than the benefit of one
decision-making is spread out to
include more junior managers in
the hierarchy
Senior management will have
time to focus on more
important decisions.
Decision making is a form of
People lower down will gain greater
understanding of te environment they work
in and this knowledge will make them more