Barn Conversion


AS Level GCSE Stuff Mind Map on Barn Conversion, created by hollyweber on 09/09/2013.
Mind Map by hollyweber, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hollyweber over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Barn Conversion
  1. Environment
    1. How can make the house be energy efficient?
      1. How can I ensure my building will last for years to come?
      2. Aesthetics
        1. What materials will make the conversion look the best?
          1. How can I make sure my building's appearance won't deteriorate?
            1. Will the walls be painted?
            2. Materials
              1. What materials should I use for interior finishing?
                1. What materials should I avoid?
                  1. What will the floor be made out of?
                    1. What will the door be made out of?
                    2. Cost
                      1. What materials are most cost effective to use?
                        1. How much will it cost to buy the existing barn?
                        2. Safety
                          1. Will I need to make sure the coversion is safe for childern?
                            1. How can I make sure the staircase will be safe?
                            2. Appearance
                              1. What is the general theme of the conversion? (eg contemporary or cosy?)
                                1. How will I make sure all rooms have the correct amount of lighting?
                                  1. What does the existing barn look like?
                                  2. Size
                                    1. How many bedrooms should I have?
                                      1. How big should the rooms be?
                                        1. What are the measurements of the existing barn?
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