Kolhberg vs Gilligan


comparative study of Kohlberg vs Gilligan
Caroline NAsh-Smith
Mind Map by Caroline NAsh-Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Caroline NAsh-Smith
Created by Caroline NAsh-Smith about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Kolhberg vs Gilligan
  1. Woman’s Morality
    1. Stage 1 : Preconventional
      1. Individual Survival
      2. Stage 2 : Conventional
        1. Self sacrifice
        2. Post Conventional
          1. Nonviolence toward others and self
        3. Mainly used Male
          1. Level 1
            1. Preconventional morality
              1. reward vs punishment
            2. Level 2
              1. Conventional Morality
                1. please society
              2. Level 3
                1. Postconventional Morality
                  1. moral principles
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