Salem does not remember


Mind Map on Salem does not remember, created by Mariam Alzaabi on 28/10/2019.
Mariam Alzaabi
Mind Map by Mariam Alzaabi, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Salma Moustafa
Created by Salma Moustafa about 6 years ago
Mariam Alzaabi
Copied by Mariam Alzaabi about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Salem does not remember
  1. How do we remember
    1. short term
      1. long term
      2. causes of memory loss
        1. ageing
          1. alcohol
            1. alzheimers
              1. brain tumour
                1. degenerative
                  1. head injury
                    1. infection
                      1. seizures
                        1. Defining
                          1. forgetfullness
                            1. Failure to retrieve a memory
                            2. confusion
                              1. Disturbed orientation
                              2. Alzheimers
                                1. A degenerative brain disease of unknown cause that is the most common form of dementia
                                  1. signs and symptoms
                                    1. dementia
                                      1. loss of sense of smell
                                        1. visual
                                          1. confusion
                                            1. apraxia
                                              1. agnosia
                                              2. risk factors
                                                1. age
                                                  1. insulin resistance
                                                    1. family history and genetics
                                                      1. Down
                                                        1. sex
                                                          1. TBI
                                                            1. poor heart health
                                                          2. causes
                                                            1. sporadic late
                                                              1. sporadic early
                                                                1. familial
                                                                2. Pathophysiology
                                                                  1. amyloid
                                                                    1. tau
                                                                      1. microscopic
                                                                        1. neurofibrillary tangles
                                                                        2. gross
                                                                          1. widen sulci
                                                                            1. narrow gyri
                                                                          2. complications
                                                                            1. restless
                                                                              1. bladder and bowel
                                                                                1. falls
                                                                                  1. infections
                                                                                    1. wandering
                                                                                    2. Management
                                                                                      1. Investigations
                                                                                        1. medical tests
                                                                                          1. history
                                                                                            1. medical exam
                                                                                              1. neurological exam
                                                                                                1. mental status
                                                                                                  1. genetic testing
                                                                                                  2. PET scan
                                                                                                    1. Mini mental status exam
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