Montserrat Eruption: Economic and Scoial


Mind Map on Montserrat Eruption: Economic and Scoial, created by Izzie Keeley on 11/02/2015.
Izzie Keeley
Mind Map by Izzie Keeley, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzie Keeley
Created by Izzie Keeley over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Montserrat Eruption: Economic and Scoial
  1. Economic Effects
    1. Primary
      1. 2 main contributors to the economy were devastated-agriculture and tourism
        1. Airport and Port was closed
          1. Farmland was destroyed
            1. Capital was covered in ash
            2. Secondary
              1. Lack of employment
                1. Loss of businesses
                  1. UK gave £41 million to help rebuild airport and Docks
                    1. Tourism developed due to the volcano
                      1. Economy Failed
                        1. Couldn't import products
                          1. Crops failed
                      2. Social Effects
                        1. Primary
                          1. 1997- 19 people killed by pyroclastic flow
                            1. 25th June 100-150 homes destroyed
                              1. 2000 people left within the first day of eruptions
                                1. 9000 people moved abroard
                                  1. Schools and hospitals were destroyed
                                  2. Secondary
                                    1. Population went from 10500 to 5000
                                      1. South of the island was closed off
                                        1. People having to constantly move houses because of volcano
                                          1. Harsh living conditions in the North
                                            1. Transport disrrupted
                                              1. Fires destroyed buildings
                                                1. North had few services
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