

A mind map about what e-mails are and how to use them
Olaoluwa Ajayi
Mind Map by Olaoluwa Ajayi, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Lucy Corlett
Created by Lucy Corlett over 5 years ago
Christine Ukah
Copied by Christine Ukah over 5 years ago
Olaoluwa Ajayi
Copied by Olaoluwa Ajayi over 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Sending attachments
    1. Paperclip
      1. To send an attachment online, press the paperclip icon at the top of the new message.
      2. Resizing files
        1. To resize a file, put it in a zip file before you send it.
        2. File Explorer
          1. Open file explorer and find the file you want to send. Select it and press Send To, Mail Recipient
        3. Lay-out
          1. TO: Main recipient CC: Any other recipients BCC: Other recipients you don't want others to know about Subject: What the email is about
          2. Replying
            1. You dont have to reply to everyone
            2. Sending mail
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