The first thing you need to know, is that when you search
something up, the computer does not run your search in
real time.
Because there are billions of websites and hundreds are
being created every minute. So that means that it would
take FOREVER for a computer to find what you are
looking for.
What do they do then?
Search engines are constantly scanning the web in
advance to record information that could help with a
search later.
So how does that work?
So, all websites are connected by web of hyperlinks. A search engine is constantly running an algorithm called a spider.
What is a
It is where the engine finds one hyperlink and follows it, collecting all of the
information along the way until it has visited every single web page on that
hyperlink. It sores all the information on its search index.
Ok, so i know what a 'spider' is
but how does this help in my
When you search something the search engine will look on its
search index to find what pages contain each word that you
have searched up.
But here is still gets millions of results so it may have to
GUESS what you are asking about.
Then it will look at the titles of websites to see if there are
synonyms and if they contain the key words that you have
searched with.
Finally, it uses a top secret ranking
algorithm to decide what pages to put top.
How does that help with future searches?
It means that the search engine already has the information you
need so it can access it really quickly.
Examples of search engines:
Alexa Rank:
Estimated Monthly Users: 1.5
Worldwide Market Share:
Alexa Rank:
Estimated Monthly Users: 500 million
Worldwide Market Share:
Alexa Rank:
Estimated MOnthly
Users: 490 million
Worldwide Market Share:
Alexa Rank:
Estimated Monthly Users: 480 million.
Worldwide Market Share:
Why are search engines so useful?
Because it takes seconds to get information-
anything and everything is just a few keystrokes
Going to a library and finding the correct information
could take hours.