Request to specify
certain words by
using the plus/
minus sign in front
of the desired words
Use words that are unusual
and are popular to the topic
that don't show up
together in other contexts
search the tool list to
specify the words to a
certain category e.g.
Search Engines
A search engine is a
programme that
searches forand
identifies items on
the worldwide web
that have been
specified by the user
The search engine does
not run your search in
real time because there
are billions of new
websites being created
every minute and if it
were to, it'd take forever.
They are constantly
scanning the World
Wide Web (WWW) in
advance, recording
the information for
your search later.
The internet is a web
of pages connected to
eachother by
Search engines are
constantly running a
programme called a
Spiders crawl through all the
webpages, collecting information
about them. Each time it finds a
hyperlink it follows it until it has
visisted every page it can find on
the internet.
For each page the spider visits, it
records any information that it
might need for a search ina
aspecial databasecalleda search
Ranking with Results
When the user searches for
something onthe search
engine, it looks up each of
those words in the search
index, which usually
returns millions of results.
To find the best
matches from the
search index, the search
engine might need to
guess what you are
looking for.
Each search engine has it's own
ranking algorithm based on what it
thinks you want.
Websites often make money when
you visit them so spammers try to
game the search algoritm so that
their websites are listed higher in
the results. So search engines
reguarly update their algorithms
to prevent fake or untrustworthy
sites from reaching the top.
Search engines are always evolving to
return results better, faster and more
recent ones by using informatio that
the user didn't explicitly provide (like