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Junior Certificate Science Mind Map on photosynthesis, created by Sophie Keville on 16/11/2019.
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junior certificate
Mind Map by
Sophie Keville
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Sophie Keville
about 5 years ago
Resource summary
what is photosynthesis?
photosynthesis carries out three very important functions for the continued existence of life on earth:
photosynthesis results in plants giving off oxygen which is essential for many living organisms
photosynthesis removes carbon dioxide from the air and prevents it from reaching a poisonous level
photosynthesis provides food for most living organisms on the earth
photosynthesis is the way plants make their own food using light
photo - light
synthesis - produce/make
word: carbon dioxide + water -------> glucose + oxygen
chemical: 6CO2 + 6H2O ---------> C6H12O2 +6O2
how do plants photosynthesise
for photosynthesis to take place:
1. plants take the carbon dioxide from the air through tiny pores on their leaves called stomata
2. plants take in water from soil through their roots
3. sunlight is absorbed by the chloroplasts in the cells of the leaves of the plant
4. the green pigment chlorophyll in the chloroplasts allows the carbon dioxide and water to combine to form glucose
5. the energy for this reaction comes from sunlight
6. oxygen is released and given off as a waste product
photosynthesis as a chemical process
that may be described as a process because it involves a number of steps
it is a chemical process because it happens in living cells
photosynthesis as a biological process
photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts of living cells
it is a biological process because it happens in living cells
factors that affect photosynthesis
carbon dioxide
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