Search Engines


A mind map on how to narrow search results and how search engines wrok
Olaoluwa Ajayi
Mind Map by Olaoluwa Ajayi, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Lucy Corlett
Created by Lucy Corlett about 5 years ago
Christine Ukah
Copied by Christine Ukah about 5 years ago
Olaoluwa Ajayi
Copied by Olaoluwa Ajayi about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Search Engines
  1. What do they do?
    1. Spider program
      1. A spider program is a program that a search engine uses to find results that might be useful later.
        1. It finds a website and visits any hyperlinks and then follows the hyperlinks from the site until it has visited every website
      2. Filter search
      3. Narrowing the search
        1. File type
          1. To narrow your results, add a file type-like pdf-into your search to limit the results to that type of file
          2. Key words
            1. Search engines look for keywords and then find a menaing that makes sense.
            2. Search settings
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