Business - Personal financial life cycle


Mind Map on Business - Personal financial life cycle, created by Aisling Butler on 20/11/2019.
Aisling Butler
Mind Map by Aisling Butler, updated more than 1 year ago
Aisling Butler
Created by Aisling Butler almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Business - Personal financial life cycle
  1. Dependent stage: this is the time in our life where we depend on other people to provide all our essential needs and wants. This stage will usually last from our birth to the time we finish our education at secondary school or third level. ( 0 -20 ). Our main needs and wants during this time will be food, clothing, shelter and school costs. The money to provide for our needs and wants during this stage will usually come from our parents or guardians. As we move through this stage we may get a part-time job or a summer job to provide us with additional income which will allow us to achieve more of our wants
    1. Independent stage: this is the time in our lives where we no longer rely on others to achieve the majority of our needs and wants. At this stage, we will have started working and earning or we may be looking for a job and collecting job seeker's benefit. The age of people at this stage could range from age 18 to mid-thirties. Our main needs and wants will be food, clothing, shelter and personal possessions such as a laptop or car. The money to provide for our needs and wants will generally come from our wages/salary or job seekers benefit. Many younger people will continue to live at home so they can save to buy a home of their own, so their parents continue to provide for some of their needs and wants.
      1. Growth stage:This is the time in our lives where we become more settled in our work and family life. We look for new challenges in the form of promotion or a new job and we may have a family of our own. We continue to provide for ourselves as well as our partner and children. The age of people in this stage will range from mid-thirties to mid-fifties. Our main needs and wants during this time will be food, clothing, shelter, car and various household expenses.the money to provide for our needs and wants will continue to be our salary/wages, job seekers benefit, child benefit and bank or credit union loans.
        1. Maturity stage: this is the time in our life when we are at the top of our career and no longer expect promotion. We begin to plan for our retirement. We continue to provide for ourselves, our family and possibly our elderly parents. The age of people in this stage would range from mid-fifties to mid-sixties. Our main needs and wants during this time will be food, clothing, shelter, college fees for our children and household expenses. Our main source of income at this stage will be from our salary/wages or from job seekers benefit.
          1. Retirement stage: this is the time in our life when we have stopped working and spend most of our time on our hobbies and interests. We still provide for our partner but increasingly less for other members of our family the age of retirement depends on the type of job you have and the type of pension you are entitled to. The age people are at this stage typically ranges from mid-sixties on wards. Our main needs and wants duringh this stage will be food, clothes, shelter, holidays, health care and household expenses. The money to provide for our needs and wants at this stage mainly come from our pension and savings.
    2. Key words: personal financial life cycle: This term describes the financial resources we require to meet our needs and wants during different stages of our lives
      1. Moving back through the cycle: Sometimes, we may move back through the cycle. For example: if you are in the independent stage and are living by yourself but then you can not afford rent or to buy your own home so you move back in with your parents and become dependent on them again. Another example would be if an older person cannot look after themselves anymore due to old age or illness, they my move in with their children and become dependent on them
        1. Planning for the future: in the dependent stage we will rely on others fro most of our finances. only near the end do we have to start saving fro our debs ball, going out with friends or planing our first holiday with our friends. in the independent stage we will be responsible for some financial planning later on in this stage such as buying your first car and saving for the deposit for your first home. in the growth stage we will be responsible for paying your way through life: mortgage/rent, car loan, household expenses, save for university fees and start paying into pension. in the maturity stage,keep paying into pension. retirement stage, nursing home care and funeral expenses.
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