A Developmental approach Block 1 (Unit 3)


E212 Mind Map on A Developmental approach Block 1 (Unit 3), created by Samantha Lea on 11/09/2013.
Samantha Lea
Mind Map by Samantha Lea, updated more than 1 year ago
Samantha Lea
Created by Samantha Lea about 11 years ago

Resource summary

A Developmental approach Block 1 (Unit 3)
  1. Enter text here
    1. Theorists
      1. Jean Piaget
        1. Lev Vygotsky-development in context with environment and social and cultural process
          1. Charles Darwin-Evolutionist who studied and documented his son William's (Doddy) development through a scientific approach
            1. Sigmund Freud- Pyscho-analytic
              1. John Bowlby-attachment theory
              2. Factors that;
                1. Harm development?
                  1. 19th Century raised questions about how hard/long labour affects childrens bodies and morals
                  2. Alter the term development?
                    1. Culture
                      1. Some cultures measure ability in responsibility rather than development- Navajo tribe
                      2. Some argue that "Developmentism" = child as becoming rather than child as being
                      3. Altered our thinking towards development
                        1. Romantic era-thoughts changed from physical survival (working) to mental health & social/emotional adjustment (& protection of)
                          1. Child services developed (to help "protect" children)
                            1. UNCRC developed to protect children further (regarding the need for development/education etc.)
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