Life after death definitions


Done for OCR Philosophy of Religion
Millicent Elliot
Mind Map by Millicent Elliot, updated more than 1 year ago
Millicent Elliot
Created by Millicent Elliot over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Life after death definitions
  1. The Soul
    1. The spiritual and immaterial part of a human being
      1. The centre or core of a persons identity
        1. immaterial, immortal, separable from the body at death, capable of moral judgment, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state.
          1. This part of a human when disembodied after death.
          2. The Body
            1. the physical structure, including the bones, flesh, and organs, of a person or an animal.
              1. give material form to something abstract.
                1. the physical substance of the human organism
                  1. The physical aspect of a person as opposed to the spirit
                  2. Resurrection
                    1. life continues after death
                      1. (in Christian belief) the rising of Christ from the dead
                        1. The act of restoring a dead person
                          1. The condition of having been restored to life.
                          2. Reincarnation
                            1. the rebirth of a soul in another body.
                              1. a person or animal in whom a particular soul is believed to have been reborn
                                1. a new version of something from the past
                                  1. rebirth in new bodies or forms of life; especially : a rebirth of a soul in a new human body.
                                    1. a fresh embodiment
                                    2. Life After Death
                                      1. The state of afterlife; existence in heaven
                                        1. a period of continued or renewed use, existence, or popularity beyond what is normal
                                          1. life after death or at a later time in a person's lifetime
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