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B15 Adaptations, interdependence and competition (Combined)


education Mind Map on B15 Adaptations, interdependence and competition (Combined), created by A Raza on 11/12/2019.
A Raza
Mind Map by A Raza, updated more than 1 year ago
A Raza
Created by A Raza about 5 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

B15 Adaptations, interdependence and competition (Combined)
  1. The importance of communities
    1. A population is defined as ...........
      1. A community can be defined as ......
        1. an ecosystem is defined as a community of organisms interacting with the non-living parts
          1. The non-living parts of an ecosystem as called the ..................... factors
            1. two examples would be ............... and ........................
            2. The living parts of an ecosystem as called the ..................... factors
              1. two examples would be ............... and ......................
          2. Distribution and abundance
            1. A quadrat can be described as a ......................
              1. Example question
                1. Two important points to remember are ....
                  1. The quadrat must be placed ............
                    1. The sample size,, i.e. number of quadrats used, must be .............
                  2. Competition
                    1. What three things do animals complete for?
                          1. What three things do plants complete for?
                              1. Adaptations
                                1. Types of adaptations
                                  1. Migration would be an example of which type of adaptation?
                                    1. The shape or colour of an organism would be an example of which type of adaptation?
                                      1. Producing antifreeze in cells would be an example of which type of adaptation?
                                      2. Two adaptations of animals that allow them to live in desert environments are ....
                                          1. Two adaptations of plants that allow them to live in desert environments are ....
                                              1. Two adaptations of animals that allow them to live in polar environments are ....
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