Diagnosis based on self-report and
exhibited symptoms (can be faked)
Normality can change over time
Homosexuality considered a
disorder in DSM til 1974
Once disorders were based on
superstition and the paranormal
Todays criteria of abnormality rely on distress to the individual,
maladaptiveness, and in terms of what is (not acceptable to
society *statistically different from what others do)
Problems with defining abnormality
Statistical infrequencies
Some behaviors that are statistically
"normal" are not healthy/desirable
Some behaviors that are rare are not dysfunctional
Violating social norms
Relies heavily on context
Diversity in culture
Factors unknown to the observer that are causing behavior
We have a tendancy to attribute other's problems
to an internal factor and our own to external factor
Many people engage in behaviors
that are maladaptive/harmful but
we don't class them as abnormal
Most people fail to function adequately at some
point in time but are not considered "abnormal"
6 Characteristics of mental health (Jahoda 1958)
Unrealistic. When strictly applied, so few people
would actually meet the criteria for being normal
that the term abnormal would not fit
Doesn't account for cultural and social differences
7 Criteria for abnormal behavior (Rosenhan and Seligman, 1984)
Suffering - extent of distress and discomfort
Maladaptiveness - behaviors that make life harder
Irrationality - ability to communicate rationally
Unpredictability - act in unexpected ways
Unconventionality - experience things that
are different from most people
Observer discomfort - difficult/embaressing to watch
Violation of moral standards - break the
accepted ethical or moral standards
Abnormal behavior influences
Diathesis-stress model
"His genetics hold the gun, his psychology loads it, and his environment pulls the trigger." - David Rossi
Diagnostic validity and reliability
Kleinmutz (1967) noted the limitations of interview process
Information exchange can be interrupted by
either due to lack of respect or not feeling well
Anxiety of preoccupation of patient affects the interview
Clinicians unique style, degree of experience, and
the theoretical orientation can affect the interview
Abnormal psychology is a social construction that has
evolved over time without prescriptive and regulating
definitions and is largely gender and culturally biased
Diagnosis means identifying a disease on the basis of symptoms and other signs,
compares information about disorder to the condition of a particular client
Effectiveness of diagnosis measured in validity and reliability
Reliability - same diagnosis with the same procedure
Beck et al (1962) - agreement on diagnosis for 153
patients between two psychiatrists was only 54%
Inter-rater - same diagnosis between two psychiatrists
Test-retest - coming up with the same diagnosis
when retested annually, unless treated and cured
Improved with standardized interview schedules, specific
symptom sets (clinician still has to make a judgement on severity
Many studies have shown varying results of inter-rater
reliability using the same classification manuals
Validity - correct diagnosis
Di Nardo et al (1993) - very low reliability for assessing
generalized anxiety disorder (.57) mainly due to validity problem
such as interpreting how excessive a person's worries were
It should be possible to clarify a real pattern of
symptoms which can then lead to an effective treatment
Receiving the correct treatment and prognisis
Giving prognosis is really difficult
Can have similar symptoms for many disorders
Rosenhan (1973), Caetano (1973)
Studies: Cooper et al (1972), Di Nardo et al (1993), Lipton
Diagnosis may be influenced by attitudes
and prejudices of the psychiatrists
Cultural and ethical
considerations in diagnosis
Cultural variation
Stereotypes of psychological disorders
Psych disorders are incurable
People with psych disorders are
often violent and dangerous
People with psych disorders behave bizarrely
and are very different from normal
Symptoms can vary between
social and cultural groups
Seeing and hearing dead relatives may be
normal in some but not others
Cooper et al (1972) - New york psychiatrists were
twice as likely to diagnose schizophrenia than
London psychiatrists, who in turn were twice as
likely to diagnose mania or depression when shown
the same videotaped clinical interviews
Ethical considerations
Some people use labels such as mentally ill,
criminal, or foreign in order to socially people
Langer and Abelson (1974) - showed a video of a young
man telling an older man about his job experience.
viewed positively if they were told he was a job
applicant. Viewed negatively if told he was a patient
One of the adverse effects of labels is the self-fulfilling
prophecy - people may begin to act as they are expected to
Doherty (1975) - those who reject the mental illness label
tend to improve more quickly than those who accept it
Confirmation bias - clinicians tend to have expectations about the
person who consults them, assuming that if the patient is there in
the first place there must be a disorder to diagnose (Rosenhans 1973)
When patients have been admitted to a hospital,
institutionalization can also be a confounding variable
Powerlessness and depersonalization can be produced from
instatutionalization through a lack of rights, constrictive activity, choice,
and privacy, as well as verbal and physical abuse from attendants
Seeman (2007) found that diagnostic changes for
schizophrenic women could occur as clinicians found out
more information about their patients (test-retest reliability)
Diagnostic tools
Psychiatrists rely primarily on the patients subjective description of the problem
Other methods can be used to assist with diagnosis (direct observation
of behavior, brain-imaging technologies, psychological and IQ test)
Cognitive symptoms - ways of thinking (pessimism/personalization)
Most diagnosis through a formal standardized interview
After interview a mental health status examination is done
based on clinician's evaluation of the patients responses
Two major systems used by western psychiatrists - based on
abnormal experiences and beliefs reported by patients and
agreements among professionals as to what criteria should be used
International classification of diseases (ICD)
Put forth by WHO
Designed to promote international comparability
in the collection, processing, and classification
Codes to classify diseases and a wide variety of signs,
symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social
circumstances, and external causes of injury and disease
Works closely with APA for mental disorder
chapter, so discrepancies were becoming fewer
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
Introduced by APA
Revisions made to make diagnosis more reliable, compatability with ICD
100 disorders in first copy, now about 300
3 sections
Introductory section - explains the process of
DSM revisions and info on how to use DSM
Listing of all diagnosis and symptoms but not causes
Assessment tools, cultural effects on disorders,
conditions and models for further research
Severly increased the number of diagnosis
Labeling people - self-fulfilling prophecy and the media portrayal
Is possible to fake and can lead to misdiagnosis
Different classification systems for children
Medical model
Abnormal behavior is physiological in origin
and is therefore treated in the same fashion
Can be diagnosed, treated, and maybe even cured
Psychopathy - 'mental illness' which is based
on the observed symptoms of the patient
Poses that patients are sick vs having poor
morals - responsability removed from patient
Can be used irresponsabily to give unwanted treatment
Few psychological disorders with a
proven organic pathology (Frude 1998)
Have correlation studies but no cause and effect
Diagnosis are more social than biological -
few reliable biological tests for disorders
A psychiatric diagnosis is not the same as a medical diagnosis,
there are value judgements involved (Fernando 1991)
Diagnosis includes legal and financial implications
The disease is the problem (the symptoms), not the cause of them
Can you have depression in the same way that you have the flu?
Believed in wrong to label behavior that does not conform as an illness
More likely to take the bio-psycho-social approach
Process of diagnosis
Formal standardized interview of the patient
Clinician subjectively evaluates patient response
Information may be withheld or forgotten by patient
Anxiety/preoccupation can greatly affect patient
Clinicians effect upon the interview process
Socia desirability
Direct observation
CAT, fMRI, PET scans
Personality and IQ tests
ABCS in describing disorders: Affective, behavioral, cognitive, somatic