Hundred Years War


This is about the Hundred Years War. This includes the causes, outcome, Joan of Arc, and Henry V.
Hadley Rudolph
Mind Map by Hadley Rudolph, updated more than 1 year ago
Hadley Rudolph
Created by Hadley Rudolph over 5 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Hundred Years War
  1. France
    1. Joan of Arc
      1. Peasant girl from France
        1. Given command of the French army
          1. Leads the army to victory at Orleans
            1. Escorts King Charles VII all the way to Reims (enemy territory)
              1. Death
                1. Unites France
                  1. The French continue to defeat the English
                    1. The English are completely kicked out of France
                2. England
                  1. King Henry V
                    1. won battle at Agincourt
                  2. who had the right to rule France
                    1. France won
                      1. French Monarchy grew in power
                        1. France was United
                        2. WAS A SERIES OF SMALLER WARS, NOT ONE LARGE ONE
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