
lucy cowell
Mind Map by lucy cowell, updated more than 1 year ago
lucy cowell
Created by lucy cowell almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. advantages
    1. share resources
      1. such as printers and internet connections
      2. share logins
        1. the same username and password can be used on every computer on the network
        2. share files
          1. the same files are available whichever computers you use
        3. disadvantages
          1. cost
            1. networks are expensive to set up
              1. extra hardware and wiring needed
              2. increased risk
                1. problems such as viruses can affect every computer on the network
                2. difficulty
                  1. expertise is needed to set up and maintain a network
                3. types of network
                  1. LAN
                    1. Local Area Network
                      1. a network contained in a single geographical location or organisation
                      2. wan
                        1. Wide Area Network
                          1. a network that spans a large geographical area, or multiple organisations
                            1. often consists of multiple LANs networked together
                          2. Topologies
                            1. bus topology
                              1. Advantage: cheap to install
                                1. Disadvantages: high chance of catastrophic failure, lots of collisions, slows down as more computers are added
                                  1. ring topology
                                    1. advantages: cheap to install, no collisions(fast)
                                      1. disadvantages: high chance of catastrophic failure, difficult to expand
                                        1. star topology
                                          1. advantages: low chance of failure, no collisions(fast)
                                            1. disadvantages: expensive, depends on a switch
                                            2. IP Address
                                              1. computers on a network need an address to identify them.
                                                1. when a computer is added to a network it is assigned an IP Address(internet Protocal Addresss)
                                                  1. the IP Address is an unique value assigned to each computer
                                                    1. Each IP Address on a network must be unique
                                                    2. mesh
                                                      1. the interenet
                                                        1. it is impossible to break the internet, since another route can always be found.
                                                        2. there are multiple different routes between any two nodes
                                                          1. a cost is assigned to each connection in a mesh
                                                            1. route-finding algorithms are used to find the lowest cost route between two nodes.
                                                              1. data is split into small chunks called packets
                                                                1. each packet is sent along the lowest cost route
                                                                  1. the packets are re-assembled on the other side
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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