95 - Mood Influences the Decision Making Process


Mind Map on 95 - Mood Influences the Decision Making Process, created by Grace Trimble on 21/01/2020.
Grace Trimble
Mind Map by Grace Trimble, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace Trimble
Created by Grace Trimble almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

95 - Mood Influences the Decision Making Process
  1. There are two main types of decision making
    1. Intuitive
      1. Making decisions off of instinct of current mood
        1. People value a product at a higher value if they're making a first impression decision while in a happy mood.
      2. Deliberate
        1. Making decisions off of logic and experience
          1. People in a sad mood will rate a product as being more valuable if they are asked to make the decision in a more deliberate way.
      3. You can influence someone's mood in a lot of different ways.
        1. Videos
          1. Images
            1. Text, Sound
              1. If you influence people’s mood, you can suggest them to think about their decision-making process. This can result in a higher estimation of the value of a product or service.
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