My Last Duchess by Robert Browning


Mind Map on My Last Duchess by Robert Browning, created by serinatatham on 18/02/2015.
Mind Map by serinatatham, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by serinatatham over 9 years ago

Resource summary

My Last Duchess by Robert Browning
    1. narrated by a duke
      1. shows off various expensive paintings
        1. talks about former wife
          1. doesn't care about her, only proud of paintings of her
        2. 3rd person when talking about wife
          1. reflecting on her from a distance
        3. PRIDE
          1. not a good person
            1. arrogant
              1. thought he gave his ex-wife honour by marrying her
              2. frequently shows off wealth to impression the person he is talking to
                1. proud of his title and what he can afford because of it
              3. JEALOUSY
                1. talks about his wife being a flirt
                  1. 'her looks went everywhere'
                    1. likes to check out other men
                      1. he is possessive
                        1. wants interest to only be in him
                2. CONTROLLING
                  1. regards his wife as his property
                    1. doesn't tolerate obedience
                      1. has her killed because he feels she has gotten out of control
                      2. regular structure
                        1. iambic pentameter
                          1. controlling nature
                      3. CONCLUSION
                        1. warning to future wife
                          1. won't tolerate disobedience
                            1. will go to drastic measures (murder) to make sure they obey him
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