How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


Mind Map on How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?, created by james_ellis44 on 19/02/2015.
Mind Map by james_ellis44, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by james_ellis44 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
  1. Throughout our pre-production, production and post-production stages, media technologies were a fundamental element in the organizational, ashstetic and formatable aspects of our media work. The most common form of media technology that we used was the use of blogger. Blogger is an online documenter that allowed me to organize my work in a both secure and easy manor with on the go use via mobie application but also via web. It was a crucial processing technology that we used that allowed us to keep track of all of the work we had completed, whilst also working in conjunction with other media technologies with the use of its embed button.
    1. Another media technology I used throughout the process of my production was YouTube. YouTube is an online video website whereby users are able to post videos online for other to see. We used Youtube to post a wide array of our videos, including the pre-cut and final cut of us music video. This allowed us to publish our music video out to our target audience and also to gain important feedbakc on elements within our production. Other videos by which we used the media technolgy YouTube was in the constuction of a skype call with editor Ryan Macfall of Crashburn Media and with Ian Haughton of handsome design. Publishing these onto Youtube made it easier to access as well as keeping everything organized with the inclusion of an account set-up which allows you to seclude all of your videos together. Another important feature that we used was the 'comments' section. This allowed us to get feedback from our target audiences on their opinions on how they feel the music video went.
      1. Furthermore from the Youtube technology information. The opinions obtained via the comments section allowed us to process this information and change aspects which our audience suggest did not work as well as we intended too, all whilst our audience is talking through word of mouth to others about our band, increasing band recognition
        1. Skype was an important feature used in the pre-production (predomiantly) throughout as it allowed us to gain some expert feedback on the background to our music video story lines. Firstly, we conducted a skype call with Ryan Mckfall of Crashburn Media, who had directed music videos for bands such as 'Funeral For a Friend' and 'Pianos become the teeth'. His contrabutions were very useful as they gave us a clear understanding of what we should include and how to keep the audience entertained and quote 'give the audience what they want'. The use of Skype allowed us to communicate with Ryan face-to-face over computer webcam and made the interview feel more genuine and personal rather than simpy making the generic phone call. Also, It made it easier for Ryan to speak to us as a group, rather than individually which would have been time consuming and with an individual such as Ryan, it would have been inefficient.
          1. Arguably the most important piece of technology used using our production and post-production stage was our hardware equipment. We used the Cannon 700D in order to film our whole production and edited it on the software Adobe Premiere Pro. We decided to use the Cannon 700D because we had familiarized ourselves with the Camera from our AS level media studies and the high quality footage that is able to be taken using the camera. Similarly, Adobe Premiere Pro was also used because of our knowledge of the program and the extent to which you are able to highly professionalize a production with the use of its qualities.
            1. Prezi was a common media technology used throughout all of the stages of production. It is a easy-to-use webtool that allows you to document information onto the software, whilst easily organizing it and adding a personal touch with the inclusion of effects that smoothly take you through stage-by-stage. Prezi was a software I used to showcase my preliminary task as it featured the digipak which we had designed and created. As the digipak consisted of a number of layers, Prezi allowed me to place all of the pictures in the order of the digipak as if it was a physical copy and shows the audience, how a copy would look like in person.
              1. Slideshare is probably the most frequently used piece of media technology used throughout my progression in the music video creation. Slideshare allows you to upload powerpoint slides online for our audience to view in an top-to-bottom fashion. Slideshare also allowed me to embed the groups pre-production tasks onto my overall blog, making it easily accessable for all though who wanted to follow the bands progression. We used the software to also showcase the feedback findings from our survey monkey questionnaire in which we gave our audience to gain some more feedback on our production.
                1. Social Media websites were commonly used in order to enhance the bands recognition, whilst also keeping fans up-to-date with both the whereabouts and the new information that the band had to offer. I personally created a twitter account which allowed our audiences to post feedback using the ‘Hashtag’ feature ‘SGIM’ which could be located in our music video itself. This was very important as we were then able to analyze whereabouts the bands popularity was growing and see whether or no it matched that of the bands target audience, which we set out to attract. We also found that individuals were posting song lyrics of the bands title online, enhancing the recognition of the band all together.
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