She had itchy erythematous papules & plaques,
pus & yellowish crust, ulceration, irregular
cord-like palpable thickenings, and palpable
axillary lymph nodes
Differential Diagnosis
According to the Global Burden of Disease Study
from 2015, the leishmaniases are the third most
important vector-borne disease after malaria and
dengue, with an estimated 1.4 million all-age
disability-adjusted life years (a 3.8% increase
between 2005 and 2015). The leishmaniases are
endemic in more than 90 countries in the tropics,
neotropics, and southern Europe. An estimated 0.7 to
1 million cases are diagnosed each year, with 20,000
to 30,000 deaths. According to the World Health
Organization, over 1 billion people living in endemic
areas are at risk of infection.
Etiology & Life Cycle
Leishmaniasis is a localized or systemic
infectious disease, caused by the obligate
intramacrophage protozoa of the genus
Leishmania and transmitted to humans by the
bite of infected female phlebotomine sand flies.
Cutaneous Types: Localized
cutaneous leishmaniasis,
Diffuse cutaneous
leishmaniasis, and Mucosal
leishmaniasis (sometimes
classified as a separate subtype
on its own)
Visceral Types: Visceral
leishmaniasis (also known
as kala-azar), and
Post-kala-azar dermal
leishmaniasis (PKDL)