The Trading Industry


Bachelor's degree Trading and Dealing (The Structure of Trading) Mind Map on The Trading Industry, created by Vhia Rose on 14/09/2013.
Vhia Rose
Mind Map by Vhia Rose, updated more than 1 year ago
Vhia Rose
Created by Vhia Rose about 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Trading Industry
  1. The Players
    1. Buy Side "Buys Liquidity Services"
      1. Investors
        1. Borrowers
          1. Hedgers
            1. Asset exchangers
              1. Gamblers
              2. Sell Side "Provides liquidity services"
                1. Dealers
                  1. Brokers
                    1. Broker-dealers
                  2. Trade Facilitators
                    1. Exchanges
                      1. Provides a forum where traders meet
                      2. Clearing and Settlement Agents, Depositories and Custodians
                        1. Facilitates settlement and prevents problems with creditworthiness (default)
                          1. Netting (default 1, default all)
                            1. Improves efficiency
                              1. Decrease default risk
                            2. Clearing Houses
                              1. Facilitates settlement of futures, options and swaps
                            3. Trading Instruments
                              1. Real Assets
                                1. Spot commodities
                                  1. IP
                                    1. Real Estate
                                      1. Pollution rights
                                      2. Financial Assets
                                        1. Stocks and warrants
                                          1. Bonds
                                            1. Trust units
                                              1. ETFs
                                                1. Currencies
                                                2. Derivative Contracts
                                                  1. Futures
                                                    1. Agricultural Commodities
                                                      1. Financial Instruments
                                                        1. Non-agricultural commodities
                                                          1. Standardised contract to deliver commodity or asset, at time T, and for $x
                                                          2. Forwards
                                                            1. Options
                                                              1. The right to buy or sell underlying asset at time T for $x
                                                                1. Calls
                                                                  1. Puts
                                                                    1. American
                                                                      1. European
                                                                    2. Swaps
                                                                      1. Agreement to exchange cash flow, at time T and under n rules
                                                                        1. Plain vanilla interest rate swaps
                                                                          1. Cross currency swaps
                                                                          2. Contracts for Difference (CFD)
                                                                            1. Seller pays to buyer difference in price of asset between time of contract and time of maturity
                                                                              1. If diff is negative buyer then pays to seller
                                                                              2. Speculation on price movements
                                                                                1. Upfront capital required to control position
                                                                                  1. Return > capital required (attractive investment)
                                                                                2. Hybrid Instruments
                                                                                  1. Insurance Contracts
                                                                                    1. Gambling Contracts
                                                                                    2. Market Regulation
                                                                                      1. Government Regulatory Agencies (like ASIC)
                                                                                        1. Self regulatory agencies (like exchanges)
                                                                                          1. Professional organisations (like CFAs)
                                                                                            1. International regulations (like Basel Committee)
                                                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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