Feedback for video


Mind Map on Feedback for video, created by sophieantonelli on 20/02/2015.
Mind Map by sophieantonelli, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sophieantonelli over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Feedback for video
  1. Material appropriate for the target audience and task
    1. WWW
      1. The cross cutting and contrast between story lines was good
      2. EBI
        1. Think how to set the scene could be a better idea to get rid of the unnecessary parts and have the chasing scene as the starting scene
      3. Using titles appropriately according to institutional conventions
        1. The positioning of the font was good the way it was placed on buildings
          1. WWW
            1. EBI
              1. The font doesn't really match the genre the font could be more bold and masculine to convey a action film
            2. using sound with images & editing appropriately for the task set
              1. EBI
                1. put the volume down also compare sound from other films similar then add bits if needs
                2. WWW
                  1. There was fast past music with the chase and the music matched with the visuals
                  2. Shooting material appropriate including controlled use of camera, attention to framing, variety of shot distance and mise-en-scene
                    1. WWW
                      1. Good use of props especially the golf club fits with genre. Also good shot of character being dragged the framing was good and mise-en-scene
                      2. EBI
                        1. Do more close-up shots epically when the chase in going on so audience can see facial expressions of the characters
                      3. Use editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer& appropriate use of shot transitions and other effects
                        1. www
                          1. Good continuity cross cutting was good as it simultaneously creates binary opposition
                          2. EBI
                            1. The bit where the character got hit make it look more realistic as it doesn't seem as though he's got hit
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