

Mind Map on MySql, created by Aparna Dhirde on 20/02/2020.
Aparna Dhirde
Mind Map by Aparna Dhirde, updated more than 1 year ago
Aparna Dhirde
Created by Aparna Dhirde over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. DDL
    1. Remove Table
      1. Syntax
        1. Questions
        2. Syntax
          1. Create table
            1. Questions
              1. Example
          2. Data types
            1. Character type
              1. char
                1. varchar
                2. Questions
                  1. Numeric type
                    1. decimal
                      1. int
                      2. date & time
                        1. Date
                          1. Question
                          2. time
                            1. Question
                            2. yr
                              1. yyyy
                                1. datetime
                                  1. yyyy-mm-dd
                            3. Constraint
                              1. check
                                1. Primary key
                                  1. unique
                                    1. not null
                                      1. default
                                      2. DML
                                        1. insert
                                          1. syntax
                                            1. Question
                                            2. select
                                              1. syntax
                                                1. group by
                                                  1. syntax
                                                  2. order by
                                                    1. syntax
                                                    2. where
                                                      1. syntax
                                                      2. distinct
                                                    3. operators
                                                      1. logical
                                                        1. All
                                                          1. AND
                                                            1. BETWEEN
                                                              1. IN
                                                                1. LIKE
                                                                  1. Syntax
                                                                  2. OR
                                                                    1. IS NULL
                                                                    2. comparision
                                                                      1. not equal
                                                                        1. greater than
                                                                          1. less than
                                                                            1. greater than or equal to
                                                                              1. less than or equal to
                                                                              2. arithmetic
                                                                                1. Questions
                                                                                  1. Addition
                                                                                    1. Subtraction
                                                                                      1. Multiplication
                                                                                        1. Division
                                                                                          1. Modular Division
                                                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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