Day One of Filming


Mind Map on Day One of Filming, created by Georgiaa17 on 23/02/2015.
Mind Map by Georgiaa17, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Georgiaa17 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Day One of Filming
  1. Scene Two
    1. Complications
      1. It was the first day of filming, so it was hard to get everyone to be serious and it took us a while to get started.
        1. Nick had never used my laptop or phone before, so I had to show him how to get onto programs and show him where everything was on my phone.
          1. When we were filming outside, I had to try different microphones to see which one brought out the most sound, which took up time.
          2. Technology I used
            1. Technology is used a lot in my film, such as social network sites, laptops, phones etc.
              1. Phones - the Iphone and the Samsung.
                1. Photos for my iphone background and for the Facebook profile.
                2. Laptop - Nick uses the Laptop in the majority of scene two because Willow's character, Amber, contacts Nick's character, Jake, by emailing him.
                  1. Email accounts to show the email Amber Snow sends Jake.
                    1. Jake's Facebook account - the posts that he has put about his girlfriend's disappearance.
                    2. Things that went well
                      1. It didn't take long to film this scene.
                        1. I didn't have to do many takes of each shot because once everyone started to get serious, they did it right first or second time.
                          1. The technology worked throughout.
                        2. Montage of Scene Three
                          1. Complications
                            1. When doing the shots of Willow looking at Nick, Willow kept laughing so it took a few attempts to get it right.
                              1. The lighting made lines on the computer, so it took some adjusting before I could no longer see the lines.
                              2. Technology I used
                                1. Willow and Nick both used the Laptop.
                                2. Lighting
                                  1. I used a lot of single source lighting in this scene.
                                    1. The laptop's light was used as the single lighting source for the scene in Amber's bedroom.
                                      1. In Nick's study, I had to shut the blinds to try and get the lighting right.
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