Sunlight for photosynthesis


10th Science Mind Map on Sunlight for photosynthesis, created by Rishu Kumar on 28/02/2020.
Rishu Kumar
Mind Map by Rishu Kumar, updated more than 1 year ago
Rishu Kumar
Created by Rishu Kumar about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Sunlight for photosynthesis
  1. The portion of light which is used in photosynthesis is called PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) also called white light / visible light (400-700nm)
    1. V
      1. 400nm
      2. I
        1. B
          1. G
            1. least useful
            2. Y
              1. O
                1. R
                  1. 700nm
                2. Photosynthetic Pigments
                  1. CHLOROPHYLLS
                    1. TYPES OF CHLOROPHYLL: a, b, c, d, e, bacteriochlorophyll
                      1. a
                        1. universal photosynthetic pigment
                          1. more amount
                            1. b
                        2. absorb both low and high wavelength light and participate directly in light reaction of photosynthesis
                        3. CAROTENOIDS
                          1. xanthopheles
                            1. yellow to brown
                            2. carotenes
                              1. yellow to red
                              2. absorb only low wavelength light and hand over the absorbed energy to chlorophyll
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