mop mup


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Mind Map by MR MT, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by MR MT over 4 years ago

Resource summary

mop mup
  1. users
    1. administrators
      1. manage orders and payments
        1. Add, delete, update
          1. generate reports
          2. customers
            1. create/update account
              1. view/purchase products
            2. Non functional requirements
              1. website standers
                1. australian privecy act
                  1. copywrite
                    1. accessibility guidelines
                    2. data components
                      1. Customer data
                        1. transaction data
                          1. stock inventory data
                            1. admin data
                              1. relational data base
                                1. order data
                                2. UI/UX
                                  1. responsive
                                    1. account
                                      1. login
                                        1. registation
                                          1. modertor
                                            1. products
                                            2. alorithmic components
                                              1. generate confirmation of purchase
                                                1. update stock
                                                  1. generate order status
                                                    1. shopping cart
                                                      1. differentiate between admin vs customers
                                                        1. regester acount
                                                          1. store trasaction history
                                                            1. validate regester and login
                                                              1. process customer orders
                                                              2. put in to functiooal , non adn other e
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