Periodontitis as a Manifestation of Systemic diseases


First Year Dentistry Mind Map on Periodontitis as a Manifestation of Systemic diseases, created by sanna pathy on 07/03/2020.
sanna pathy
Mind Map by sanna pathy, updated more than 1 year ago
sanna pathy
Created by sanna pathy about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Periodontitis as a Manifestation of Systemic diseases
  1. Leukaemia
    1. Gingival overgrowth
      1. Malignancy of WBCs
        1. Gingival bleeding & oral petechiae
          1. Oral ulcers
          2. Downs Syndrome
            1. Trisomy 21
              1. Increased prevalence & severity of perio in both dentitions
                1. Incisor-molar pattern
                  1. Rapid disease progression
                    1. MoA
                      1. Poor OH
                        1. Alterations in immune response
                        2. Avoided with optimal OH
                      2. Papillon-LeFevre syndrome
                        1. Cathepsin C gene defect
                          1. Palmar-plantar keratosis
                            1. Severe generalised perio
                              1. Onset before puberty (2yrs)
                                1. Child usually loses primary dentition before permanent dentition is fully developed
                              2. Ehlers Danlos
                                1. Defective collagen synthesis
                                  1. Skin hyper-extensibility (stretchy), joint hypermobility
                                    1. 10 types
                                      1. Type 8 = Periodontitis type
                                        1. Severe generalised perio
                                          1. Early onset
                                            1. Often tooth loss before 30
                                          2. Type 4 assoc. with perio
                                          3. Bruising of skin & oral tissues
                                          4. Hypophosphotasia
                                            1. Defective alkaline phosphate enzyme
                                              1. Essential for bone/teeth mineralisation
                                              2. Skeletal defects
                                                1. Short limbs, bowed legs
                                                2. Early loss of primary & permanent dentition
                                                  1. Abnormal tooth formation
                                                    1. Enlarged pulps
                                                      1. Abnormal morphology
                                                        1. Hypoplasia
                                                      2. Chediak-Higashi syndrome
                                                        1. Rare but fatal
                                                          1. Partial albinism, photophobia, nystagmus
                                                            1. Recurrent pyogenic infections
                                                              1. Lymphoma
                                                                1. Severe, rapidly progressing periodontitis
                                                                  1. Premature tooth loss
                                                                2. Neutropenia
                                                                  1. Acquired neutropenia
                                                                    1. Prolonged low neutrophil levels
                                                                    2. Cyclic neutropenia
                                                                      1. 3wk cycles of low neutrophil levels
                                                                        1. Genetic
                                                                        2. Familial neutropenia
                                                                          1. Prolonged low neutrophil levels
                                                                            1. Localised or Generalised aggressive perio
                                                                              1. Gingiva
                                                                                1. Ulceration
                                                                                  1. Desquamation
                                                                                    1. Inflammation
                                                                                    2. Treatment
                                                                                      1. Removal of plaque & calculus
                                                                                        1. Chx MW
                                                                                      2. Multiple pyogenic infections of skin & mucous membranes
                                                                                      3. Leukocyte-adhesion deficiency syndrome
                                                                                        1. Severe, recurrent bacterial infections
                                                                                          1. Impaired wound healing
                                                                                            1. Aggressive gingivitis
                                                                                              1. Majority die by 30yrs
                                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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