Periodontal therapy


First Year Dentistry Mind Map on Periodontal therapy, created by sanna pathy on 08/03/2020.
sanna pathy
Mind Map by sanna pathy, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Zainab Patel
Created by Zainab Patel almost 5 years ago
sanna pathy
Copied by sanna pathy almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Periodontal therapy
  1. Reduction in pocket depths after non-surgical
    1. Moderate depth pockets 4-6mm
      1. 1mm attachment pocket depth reduction
        1. 0.05mm attachment gain
        2. Large depth pockets 7+mm
          1. 2mm pocket depth reduction
            1. 1.19mm attachment gain
          2. Explanation to pt's
            1. Explain things using images, diagrams
              1. Use appropriate terminology
              2. Ensure pt takes ownership & responsibility of their care
                1. Tailor
                  1. involve patient in decision making
                    1. Record compliance
                    2. Non-surgical
                      1. Technique
                        1. Do not disturb root/cementum
                          1. Endotoxins superficially attached
                          2. Quality is better than how you do it
                            1. A blended approach of ultrasonic & hand scale is best
                              1. Furcations
                                1. Ultrasonic
                          3. Supportive (maintanence) periodontal therapy
                            1. Aims
                              1. Prevent relapse
                                1. Remove etiological factors
                                  1. Plaque
                                    1. Calculus
                                    2. Monitor whether condition is stable
                                      1. Re-evaluate risk factors & provide appropriate advice
                                      2. Usually 3 months
                                        1. 1UDA
                                        2. Aims
                                          1. Preserve & maintain dentition
                                            1. Reduce pocket depths
                                              1. Reduce BOP
                                                1. Prevent tooth loss
                                                  1. Reduce inflammation
                                                    1. Prevent loss of mobile teeth
                                                      1. Reduce risk of systemic disease associated with periodontitis
                                                      2. Why do we aim to reduce the pockets?
                                                        1. Make them easier to clean (more accessible biofilm)
                                                          1. Helps to reduce inflammation
                                                        2. Prices
                                                          1. Band 2 for RSI
                                                            1. Band 1 for supportive
                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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