Computer System


Mind Map on Computer System, created by Aparna Dhirde on 19/03/2020.
Aparna Dhirde
Mind Map by Aparna Dhirde, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Aparna Dhirde
Created by Aparna Dhirde over 4 years ago
Aparna Dhirde
Copied by Aparna Dhirde over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Computer System
  1. Input Unit/Device
    1. E.g. keyboard, mouse
    2. CPU
      1. (Arithmetic & Locgic Unit)ALU
        1. Control Unit (CU)
          1. Memory /Primary memory
            1. (Ramdom Access MemoryRAM -Temporary memory
              1. Volatile -power switched off it is erased
                1. Data can be read and write
                2. Secondary Memory
                  1. Secondary storage devices
                    1. Hard Disk, CD & pen drive
                    2. Permanent memory
                    3. (Read Only Memory) ROM
                      1. Data can read only
                        1. Non volatile- power switched off data not erased
                      2. Cache memory
                      3. Output Unit(Device)
                        1. E.g Printer, Monitor
                        2. Computer Evolution
                          1. 500 BC
                            1. Abacus
                            2. 1642
                              1. Pascaline
                              2. 1834
                                1. Analytic Engine
                                2. 1890
                                  1. Tabulating Machine
                                  2. 1937
                                    1. Turning Machine
                                    2. 1945
                                      1. EDVAC/ENIAC
                                      2. 1947
                                        1. Transistors
                                        2. 1970
                                          1. Integrated Circuits
                                        3. Microprocessors
                                          1. CPU on 1 chip called Microprocessors
                                            1. Microprocessor specifications based on
                                              1. Word Size
                                                1. Memory Size
                                                  1. Clock Speed
                                                    1. Cores
                                                2. Data & its type
                                                  1. Structured
                                                    1. Organized in tabular form
                                                      1. E.g ATM transaction
                                                    2. Unstructured
                                                      1. Not organized in predefined format
                                                        1. E.g graphics data
                                                      2. Semi structured
                                                        1. no well-defined structure but having internal tags
                                                          1. E.g Email, htmal page
                                                      3. Hardware
                                                        1. Physical Components
                                                          1. E.g Keyboard, mouse,screen,CPU
                                                        2. Software
                                                          1. Computer Programs
                                                            1. Programming language
                                                              1. High level
                                                                1. E.g Python, c
                                                                2. Low level
                                                                  1. E.g Assembly
                                                              2. Application s/w
                                                                1. General Purpose
                                                                  1. Customized s/w
                                                                  2. System s/w
                                                                    1. Operation system
                                                                      1. E.g Windows, Unix, Linux
                                                                        1. Types
                                                                          1. Single user
                                                                            1. Multi user
                                                                            2. Interfaces
                                                                              1. Command based
                                                                                1. E.g MSDOS, Unix
                                                                                2. GUI
                                                                                  1. E.g Windows
                                                                                  2. Touched based
                                                                                    1. E.g Android
                                                                                    2. Voice Based
                                                                                      1. E.g. Android (Google now)
                                                                                      2. Gesture based
                                                                                        1. E.g Waving,eye motion
                                                                                      3. O.s. Functions
                                                                                        1. Process Management
                                                                                          1. Memory Management
                                                                                            1. File Management
                                                                                              1. Device Management
                                                                                            2. Language Translator
                                                                                              1. Compiler
                                                                                                1. E.g C, C++
                                                                                                2. Assembler
                                                                                                  1. E.g Assembly
                                                                                                  2. Interpreter
                                                                                                    1. E.g Python, java
                                                                                                3. Utility s/w
                                                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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