Jill Ross: Leader in training


Mind Map on Jill Ross: Leader in training, created by jbross on 17/09/2013.
Mind Map by jbross, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jbross about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Jill Ross: Leader in training
  1. Early life: 1981 - 1991
    1. Born February 5th, 1981.
      1. Oldest of four .
        1. Babysitter, caretaker, "teacher," doer.
          1. Always had to be in charge, the leader when playing
          2. Enrichment classes in school; in-class peer tutor, group leader
          3. School days: 1991-1999.
            1. Student council
              1. Grad executive in high school
                1. Babysitter, part-time job
                  1. Honours student
                    1. Sports (rugby),
                    2. University years: 1999-2008
                      1. Mount Allison 1999-2004
                        1. Psychology & English degree
                        2. Met Ryan, future husband @ Mount A.
                          1. Counselling diploma, 2005
                            1. UPEI: BEd degree 2006-08.
                              1. Elementary/International Education
                                1. Class valedictorian at grad banquet
                                  1. Travelled to Scotland, taught junior high English.
                                    1. Travelled Europe after practicum.
                                  2. 2008-Present
                                    1. Fort McMurray - taught high school EAL & English
                                      1. EAL Dept leader at school
                                        1. Travelled to EAL PD conferences
                                          1. Married Ryan July 11, 2009.
                                            1. Mother to Abigail, June 26, 2010 and baby Ross in January 2014.
                                              1. Taught EAL to immigrants, helped create curriculum
                                                1. 2011: Returned to UPEI as staff; admissions, recruitment & alumni dev.
                                                  1. Coordinator; leadership position on faculty
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