Understanding Data


Mind Map on Understanding Data, created by Aparna Dhirde on 24/03/2020.
Aparna Dhirde
Mind Map by Aparna Dhirde, updated more than 1 year ago
Aparna Dhirde
Created by Aparna Dhirde over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Understanding Data
  1. Introduction to Data
    1. Importance of Data
      1. Types of Data
        1. Structured Data
          1. Unstructured Data
        2. Data Collection
          1. Data Storage
            1. Data Processing
              1. Statistical Techniques for Data Processing
                1. Measures of Central Tendency
                  1. Mean
                    1. Median
                      1. Mode
                      2. Measures of Variability
                        1. Range
                          1. Standard deviation
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