Egyptian Art


College Art 3000 - 27 BCE Mind Map on Egyptian Art, created by Meka George on 04/03/2015.
Meka George
Mind Map by Meka George, updated more than 1 year ago
Meka George
Created by Meka George about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Egyptian Art
  1. Early Dynastic
    1. Step Pyramid at Djoser


      • Evolved at the same time as the Ziggurats. Tombs for kings. Surrounded by artificial city and god shrines.   
      1. 2600s
    2. Old Kingdom
      1. Pyramids at Gizeh


        • Big for pharaohs, little for family.  Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. False tombs and royal passages 
        1. 2500s
        2. Ka Image of Khafre


          • Gnice (hard stone) Quiet/ inactive figure No negative space Hawk god Horus protects him Idealized 
          1. 2500-2400
          2. Scribe Kay


            • True size and age Not idealized Eyes made of glass 
            1. 2500s
            2. Hippopotamus Hunt


              • Tomb of Ti Poses and sizes show rank 
              1. 2400-2300
            3. New Kingdom
              1. Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut
                1. 1400s


                  • Senmut Papyrus bundle columns Hypostyle halls Scewomorph (papyrus bundles) 
                2. Fouling Scene
                  1. 1400-1300


                    • Shows Nebamun hunting Painted Hierarchy of scale Egyptian stance In action 
                  2. Book of the Dead of Hunefer
                    1. 1300-1200


                      • Papyrus Scroll Weighing heart against feather Hierarchy of scale Anubis, Thoth, Horus, Osiris, Nepthys 
                  3. Amarna
                    1. Ka Image of Akhenaton


                      • Looks feminine "Mother of Egypt" Cobra- mark of his monotheistic faith (Aten) 
                      1. 1300s
                      2. Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and Their Daughters Giving Libations to the Sun


                        • Broke Rules of Formality (Casual situation)  
                        1. 1300s
                        2. Head of Nefertiti and Queen Tiye


                          • Painted wood Model for Ka images, not a Ka image itself Eye left undone purposefully to show it's a model 
                          • Tiye: Original wore a wig From South Africa Egyptian women shown pale, men dark or red 
                          1. 1300s
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