MFT Therapy models


Marriage and Family therapy Mind Map on MFT Therapy models, created by Jasmine Gutierrez on 14/04/2020.
Jasmine  Gutierrez
Mind Map by Jasmine Gutierrez, updated more than 1 year ago
Jasmine  Gutierrez
Created by Jasmine Gutierrez almost 5 years ago
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Resource summary

MFT Therapy models
  1. Cybernetics & General Syatems theory
    1. Terms:Feedback, attachment, Homeostasis, Self regulating,family development
      1. Concepts:Feedback,feedback loops-positive/negative, meta communication, 3 types of attachment
        1. 3 Types of attachment
          1. Feedback loops
            1. Family Therapy :Family life cycles,family stages,transition
              1. cultural factors: culture, race, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation
        2. Bowenian Therapy
          1. Terms: Differentiation, triangles
            1. 8 Bowen Concepts
          2. Structural Therapy
            1. Terms: Power, Hierarchies,boundaries,coalitions,enacing
              1. Focused on the here and now
                1. Therapist tools: accommodating,enacting,joining,intensity,boundary making,unbalancing,challenging assumptions
            2. Contextual
              1. Terms:ledger,debt,balance,allience,loyalty,equity
                1. Core Concepts:reltional ethics,invisible loyalties,legacies, debts, entitlements, self concious ledgers/debts (tallies)
                  1. Therapeutic goals: regain balance, restore fairness,give and take,restore emotional ledgers between family members
              2. Solution focused brief Therapy
                1. Terma: Change, less concerned about"why", concept of keys and locks/small to big change
                  1. Concepts: The miracle question,exception finding questions,scaling questions,more of the same assignments, formula first session talk
                2. Pychodynamic Therapy
                  1. Assumptions:sexual and agressive drives are the heart of human nature, internalized objects become projected onto others, early experinces affect later relationships
                    1. Goals of therapy:To free family members of unconcious contraints, seperation individuation, differentiation
                      1. Defernse mechanism worksheet
                  2. Behavioral & Cognitive behavioral therapy
                    1. Concepts: schemas, reinforcemnet,attribution, disorted thoughts
                      1. Assumptions: family reltionships, cognitions, emotions, and behaviorl mutually influence eachother, cognitive inference evoke emotion and behavior, emotion and behavior influnce cognition
                        1. Goals of therapy: to modigy patterns of thinking and or behavior to alliviate the presenting symptom
                      2. Behavioral:operant conditioning
                      3. Narrative therapy
                        1. Assumptions:reality is socially constructed, the problem is the problem the person is not,reality is shaped by language
                          1. Concepts: Dominant narrative, subjugated narrative, deconstruction, alternative story
                            1. Goals of therapy: change the way the clients view themselves and assist them in reauthoring their story
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