The Treaty of Versailles


Mind map on the Treaty of Versailles FINISHED
Mind Map by c7jeremy, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by c7jeremy almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Treaty of Versailles
  1. Result of the Paris Peace Conference
    1. Terms
      1. War Guilt
        1. £6.6bn reparations
          1. Germany Territories
            1. Colonies became League-controlled mandates
              1. East Prussia (Polish Corridor) to Poland
                1. Saarland run by League for 15 years
                  1. Alsace Lorraine to France
                    1. 10% land lost overall
                    2. Restriction of Germany's armed forces
                      1. 100,000 men
                        1. Rhineland demilitarised
                          1. No submarines or aircraft
                            1. 6 battleships
                            2. Union with Austria banned
                              1. League of Nations formed
                              2. Participants
                                1. France
                                  1. Georges Clemenceau
                                    1. Wanted to cripple Germany
                                      1. Wanted to remove Germany as a threat forever
                                    2. UK
                                      1. Lloyd George
                                        1. Pragmatist
                                        2. Occupied the middle ground
                                          1. Wanted to downsize Germany's navy
                                            1. Germany was Britain's second largest trade partner pre-war
                                          2. USA
                                            1. Woodrow Wilson
                                              1. Idealist
                                                1. Fourteen Points
                                                  1. Published in January 1918
                                                    1. Disarmament Self-determination League of Nations Free Trade
                                                  2. Most lenient towards the Germans
                                                    1. Feared the consequences of a tough treaty
                                                  3. 2 German officials to sign
                                                    1. Diktat
                                                  4. 28 June 1918
                                                    1. German Reaction
                                                      1. General Opposition
                                                        1. War Guilt ought to be shared
                                                          1. Reparations were crippling
                                                            1. Disarmament was humiliating and a double standard
                                                            2. Uprisings
                                                              1. Spartacist Uprising
                                                                1. Kapp Putsch
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