Grammatical Tenses


Los cuatro tiempos gramaticales
Julieth Alvarez
Mind Map by Julieth Alvarez, updated more than 1 year ago
Julieth Alvarez
Created by Julieth Alvarez almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Grammatical Tenses
  1. simple present
    1. use
      1. daily actions
        1. to express general truths or facts
          1. habits
            1. express events that will happen
            2. The simple present expresses a habitual action
              1. Grammar structure
                1. subj + don't / doesn't + verb (inf) + comp
                  1. subj + verb (inf) + complement
                    1. Do / Does + subj + verb (inf) + com + ?
                      1. Don't / Doesn't + subj + verb (inf) + comp + ?
                      2. examples
                        1. 1. she enjoys the swimming classes
                          1. 2. she doesn't play football
                            1. 3. do you have hungry ?
                              1. Doesn't you play free fire ?
                      3. simple past
                        1. use
                          1. narrate specific moments from the past
                            1. facts that has already happened
                              1. for chronogical time events
                              2. Grammar structure
                                1. sub + verb in past + complement
                                  1. did + sub + simple verb + complement ?
                                    1. sub + didn't / did not + simple verb + complement
                                    2. example
                                      1. 1. I enjoyed exercising
                                        1. 2. He did not comply with the quarantine
                                          1. 3. Did you eat the dessert ?
                                            1. 4. He didn't eat the salad
                                    3. future
                                      1. will
                                        1. use
                                          1. promises
                                            1. predictions
                                              1. decisions
                                                1. offerings
                                                2. Grammar structure
                                                  1. sub + will + verb inf
                                                    1. sub + won't + verb inf
                                                      1. will + sub + verb inf + ?
                                                      2. example
                                                        1. 1. It will Ran
                                                          1. 2. I will help you with the homework
                                                            1. 3. I will be with you forever
                                                              1. 4. If the quarantine continues I will not be able to go to the pool
                                                            2. Going to
                                                              1. use
                                                                1. to talk about plans and intentions
                                                                  1. intentions
                                                                    1. Predictions with evidence
                                                                      1. Plans
                                                                      2. Gramma structure
                                                                        1. sub + am/is/are + going to + verb inf
                                                                          1. sub + Am not/ aren't/ isn't + going to + verb inf
                                                                            1. Am/is/are + sub + going to + verb inf
                                                                        2. examples
                                                                          1. 1. i'm going to cut my hair
                                                                            1. 2. we're going to play tennis at 7 PM
                                                                              1. 3. Are they going to come with us ?
                                                                                1. 4. She is not going to buy that car
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