Socio-Cultural impacts


Mind Map on Socio-Cultural impacts, created by Nurul Aqilah on 10/03/2015.
Nurul Aqilah
Mind Map by Nurul Aqilah, updated more than 1 year ago
Nurul Aqilah
Created by Nurul Aqilah over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Socio-Cultural impacts
  1. Positive
    1. Preservation of culture and local customs


      • the protection of the way people live, including their economic activities, tradition beliefs and religious practices.
      1. Entry fees to specific sites


        • Places such as the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt or the Angkor Wat complex in Siem Reap, Cambodia, can be used directly to help fund conservation efforts.
      2. Tourism as a force of peace


        • - can foster understanding between people and cultures and provide cultural exchange between hosts and guests.
        1. Global Summit on Peace through Tourism


          • More than 450 leaders of the travel and tourism industry ratified an " Amman Declaration" that recognised travel and tourism as a global peace industry.
      3. Negative
        1. Dilution of culture and local custom


          • Protection of the way people live e.g. economy activities, traditional beliefs and religious practices. 
          1. Village of the Kayen Lahwi women in Thailand.


            • Due to the entrance fee, some tourists treat the women as exhibits that they have paid for. They sometimes aggressively take photographs of the women without permission.
            1. solution?


              • The tour operators and planning authorities can advice tourists to take pictures at the heritage sites appropriately. Appropriate situations would be at 'zones' where photos are allowed to be taken.
          2. Increased crime


            • - tourists carry valuable items, thus they are vulnerable to muggings near hotels
            1. High crime levels.


              • example: the Louvre. The rise in pickpockets forced The Louvre to close down. The pickpockets normally work in gangs which would  make pickpocket easier. 
              1. solution?


                • - Tourists can be more aware of their valuables and the people around them. This would ensure that there's a lesser chance of the robbers committing crimes .- Tourists should be encouraged not to wear luxurious clothing that stands out. - Planning authorities should be the first to enforce rules, regulations, values and principles for sustainable tourism in consultation with the industry and community. - Tourists & Locals. 
            2. Tensions between tourists and locals.


              • It refers to the cultural differences that the tourists and locals have which builds up to be tensions between the tourists and locals.
              1. Cultural differences


                • Two Europeans were naked while riding a motorcycle.
                1. solution?


                  • Tourists may want to wear skimpy clothing on a hot sunny day.  However, such clothing could make many locals in a conservative country uncomfortable because it goes against their values. 
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