Material and cultural factors
affecting underachievement
African Caribbean males are
near the bottom of each class
group in terms of attainment
Working class Afro-Caribbean girls do
significantly better than white working
class pupils at GCSEs
There is a strong emphasis on
self-improvement through education
in Chinese and Asian cultures
There culture is perceived more
positively by teachers than
Afro-Caribbean culture
Black pupils
Are more likely
permenantly excluded and
punished more harshly
praised less and
told off more often
put in bottom sets based
on behaviour not ability
Are less likely to be
idenitied as gifted
and talented
Strand- Indian pupils'
progress can be
explained by
High parental and
pupil educational
Undertaking high
levels of homework
low levels of
truanting or exclusion
High parental monitoring
of their children's
African Caribbean boys
lack discipline from a
father figure
Girls, a role model is
provided by a strong
independent single mother
In-school factor, labelling
racism and pupil responses
Ethnic minority boys
Afro-Caribbean often labelled as 'unruly' and
difficult to control. More likely to be given
detention than other pupils
teachers misinterpret their dress and
manner of speech as representing a
challengeto their authority
Tony Sewell- teacher were
fearful black boys in school
Afro- Caribbean males react angrily
to the labels and reject white-
dominated education system and
gained status in peer groups
Indians show anger but don't reject
education. they succeed by using education
system to their advantage
Teachers see some Asian boys as immature
rather than deviant. Have higher expectations and
they work harder to achieve what is expected of
them. Not punished to the same extent. Made it
more difficult to feel confident and enjoy school
Ethnic minority girls
Teachers underplay black girls
educational achievement and
focus on their social behaviour
Wright (1992)- teachers paid Asian
girls less attention. They involved
them in less discussion and used
simplistic language assuming they had
poor English skills.
lacked sensitivity towards culture
and made little efforts to pronounce
their names correctly causing
embarrasment and ridicule
Black girls are anti-school but
pro- education. Resent low
expectations and labelling but are
more determined to succeed
The curriculum
since 1970's some effort
has been made to address
the neglect of other cultures
Multicultural education
Ethnic minority languages don't have
the same status as European
languages and schools are required to
hold christian assemblies
Georgraphy emphasises Britain's positive
contribution to the rest of the world-
rather than negative
consequences of unfair trade
Tended to focus of slavery when
black history was acknowledged
Institutional racism?
schemes for gifted and talented pupils, and
vocational schemes for less academic
underrate the abilities of black children
relegating them to low-ability groups
Marketisation of schools led to an 'A to C economy'-
creates rationing of education- teachers are made to
focus on those in danger of not realising potential for a
C- ignores high and low achievers