SCoR Radiation Protection


Details of the RP activities within SCoR
Maria Murray
Mind Map by Maria Murray, updated more than 1 year ago
Maria Murray
Created by Maria Murray almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

SCoR Radiation Protection
  1. SCoR
    1. Virtual RP Forum
      1. sub-specialities
        1. Support / Consult
      2. Members
        1. Guidance / Advice
        2. Public / Media
          1. Advice / Guidance
          2. Education
            1. AAB
              1. Course Leaders
              2. HEIs
              3. continuing work
                1. Radiology Errors & near misses WP
                  1. E-LfH RP
                    1. More IRMER / RP events
                      1. CPD Pathway
                      2. Pause & Check posters
                        1. Government Enquiries
                          1. Clinical Imaging Board / Radiotherapy Board
                            1. website
                              1. Departments
                              2. Other PBs
                                1. BIR RP SIG
                                  1. contribute to RP work
                                  2. Joint WPs
                                    1. Guidance / statements
                                  3. SRP
                                    1. IComm
                                      1. IRPA
                                        1. RP Culture & Ethics WP
                                        2. WP involvement
                                        3. YPA Competition
                                          1. Schools Events / Conference
                                            1. CRadP work
                                              1. Medical Committee
                                              2. PHE
                                                1. UK Dose Collection WP
                                                  1. DRLs from DH
                                                  2. Patient Safety in Radiotherapy Steering WP
                                                    1. RTE & near misses data coding
                                                      1. RTE Newsletter / Reports
                                                        1. Updated Coding & Causative Factors
                                                      2. COMARE / NHS England WP
                                                        1. SCoR actions
                                                        2. IR(ME)R guides
                                                        3. CQC
                                                          1. partnership
                                                            1. Annual report critique
                                                              1. twice yearly meetings
                                                              2. other Inspectors
                                                              3. DoH
                                                                1. IR(ME)R policy
                                                                  1. Much greater than intended guide
                                                                    1. New Regs 2018
                                                                      1. MEWG
                                                                      2. EU
                                                                        1. Basic safety Standards
                                                                          1. 2013 Directive
                                                                          2. European Federation RS
                                                                            1. EMAN
                                                                            2. Parliamentary Enquiries
                                                                            3. International
                                                                              1. IAEA
                                                                                1. Joint work
                                                                                  1. ICRP
                                                                                    1. ISRRT
                                                                                      1. BSS
                                                                                        1. WHO
                                                                                        2. HSE
                                                                                          1. Occupational exposures WG
                                                                                            1. EU
                                                                                            2. Events
                                                                                              1. IRR
                                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                                              Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Cominform and Comecon
                                                                                              Alina A
                                                                                              The Berlin Crisis
                                                                                              Alina A
                                                                                              Chemistry Module C2: Material Choices
                                                                                              James McConnell
                                                                                              How Parliament Makes Laws
                                                                                              Chemistry Module C1: Air Quality
                                                                                              James McConnell
                                                                                              Science Unit 1 (UK GCSE EDEXCEL)
                                                                                              Veterinary Nursing Terminology
                                                                                              Kelly Winstanley
                                                                                              PTS Test Questions
                                                                                              Amanda Highmoor
                                                                                              DipFS Unit 4 Key Terms
                                                                                              Steve Gidley
                                                                                              Voting Systems
                                                                                              Phoebe Fletcher
                                                                                              Uk, European & Global Institutions
                                                                                              Nick Drewe