Composite Materials


This diagram is composite materials
Naveen Ramanathan
Mind Map by Naveen Ramanathan, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Victor García Maldonado
Created by Victor García Maldonado over 8 years ago
Naveen Ramanathan
Copied by Naveen Ramanathan almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Composite Materials
  1. Matrix
    1. Thermostable
      1. Fragile
        1. Polyester
          1. Epoxy resin
          2. Easy processing
            1. Tenaciousness
            2. Thermoplastic
              1. Difficult processing
                1. Reusable
                  1. Polypropylene (PP)
              2. Reinforcement
                1. Natural Fiber
                  1. Sisal
                    1. Hemp
                      1. Coir
                        1. Bast
                        2. Man Made Fiiber
                          1. Fiberglass
                            1. Carbon Fiber
                              1. Kevlar
                                1. Boron
                              2. Particle Reinforced
                                1. Uses in Industry
                                  1. Automotive Glass reinforced plastics are used in many automotive applications including body panels, bumpers, dashboards, and intake manifolds. Brakes are made of particulate composite composed of carbon or ceramics particulates.
                                  2. Benefits
                                    1. Improved material properties
                                      1. Tailored material properties
                                        1. Manufacturing flexibility
                                      2. Fiber Reinforced
                                        1. Automotive
                                          1. Particulate reinforced plastics have been used for some time but fiber reinforced composites have only really been used in high end sports cars but are starting to make their way into traditional vehicles.
                                          2. Aerospace
                                            1. Carbon fiber composites are now quite common in commercial and military aviation. The Boeing 787 and Airbus A350 XWB have roughly 50% of their structure from composite materials.
                                            2. Benefits
                                              1. High stiffness to weight ratio
                                                1. High strength
                                                  1. Corrosion resistant
                                                    1. Fatigue resistant
                                                      1. Energy Absorption on Impact
                                                        1. Tailored material properties
                                                        2. Marine
                                                          1. These are not traditional laminated composites, rather the glass fibers are oriented randomly giving the structure more uniform material properties. Being fairly cheap, glass fiber can be used in large structures.
                                                        3. Classification
                                                          1. Matrix
                                                            1. PMC's
                                                              1. CMC's
                                                                1. MMC's
                                                                2. Reinforcement
                                                                  1. Fiber
                                                                    1. Continuous Fiber
                                                                      1. Dis -Continuous
                                                                      2. Wiskers
                                                                        1. Flakes
                                                                          1. Particulate
                                                                            1. Random
                                                                              1. Aligned
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