The Roman Republic


Themes related to A219 Block 3 (OU course)
Mind Map by bluecoppice, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bluecoppice almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Roman Republic
  1. Individuals, groups and the state
    1. Breakdown of the republican system
      1. 'Populares'
        1. Gracchi brothers
          1. Land reforms
          2. Marius
            1. Caesar
              1. Pompey
                1. Crassus
              2. 'Optimates'
                1. Sulla
              3. Roman values and 'exempla'
                1. Wealth
                  1. Due to expansion of empire
                    1. Rich grow richer
                      1. More slaves to work on land
                        1. Dispossessed small farmers
                          1. Gracchi land reforms
                          2. Introduction of Greek art
                            1. Public buildings/temples
                            2. Myth and legend
                              1. Aeneid
                              2. Tradition and innovation
                                1. Augustan reforms
                                2. Roman and non-Roman
                                  1. Gaius Gracchus
                                    1. Citizenship reforms
                                    2. Citizen
                                      1. Italian
                                        1. Non-Roman allies
                                        2. Spin and propaganda
                                          1. Aeneid
                                            1. Funeral speeches
                                              1. Legendary genealogies
                                                1. Public buildings/temples
                                                  1. Augustan reforms
                                                  2. Civil strife
                                                    1. Moral and immoral behaviour
                                                      1. Lyric poetry
                                                        1. Horace
                                                          1. A
                                                          2. Propertius
                                                            1. Counter-cultural in isolation, top/tail shows author's awareness of shallow content
                                                              1. Love
                                                                1. As pain
                                                                  1. As battle
                                                                    1. 'Domina'
                                                                      1. Female slave owner
                                                                        1. Mistress
                                                                      2. Catullus
                                                                        1. Elegaic
                                                                      3. Urban and rural
                                                                        1. Horace's farm
                                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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